レンタルチームID: 0000 0006 R648 N6
初めまして、Jude Leeです。ゲーム内での名前はmaGicaUra、Twitterは@PlayerVgcです。
今日は、私がPlayers Cup Asia Singapore Regional Qualifierで使用して3位(大会結果)、@laty_pokeさんのシリーズ9仲間大会で2位、賞金5000円を獲得したパーティを紹介します。
私はセキタンザンが好きで、キョダイマックスが使えるルールではいつも使ってきました。ランクバトルではシーズン中盤に瞬間1位をS18, S19, S20の3連続で達成し、シーズン20では最終10位でした。この形になるまで、たくさんのパターンを考慮に入れる必要がありました。
しかし、Players Cupはオープンチームシート制でした。すなわち、対戦相手は事前に私の構築の技構成を確認することができ、物理型であることがバレてしまいます。リフレクターやいかくなどを使われてセキタンザンが簡単に弱体化されてしまうため、今回はいかくの影響を受けない特殊型にすることにしました。

じょうききかん | ![]() |
じゃくてんほけん | |
ひかえめ | |
217(252)-*-144(28)-114(28)-111(4)-75(196) | |
だいちのちから/ねっぷう メテオビーム/まもる |
- 相手のウーラオス(れんげきのかた)のすいりゅうれんだを耐える(20%残る)
- 相手のランドロスのいのちのたまダイアースをA-1状態で耐える(10%残る)
- 相手のフシギバナのいのちのたまダイアースを耐える
- 素早さは75で、6段階上昇で相手の最速ようりょくそフシギバナ抜き、相手の最速すいすいキングドラとは同速
- 相手の素早さ2段階上昇最速ウーラオスや素早さ1段階最速ドラパルトは抜くことができない
いたずらごころ | ![]() |
ひかりのねんど | |
しんちょう | |
202(252)-140-101(128)-*-122(128)-80 | |
ひかりのかべ/リフレクター ソウルクラッシュ/うそなき |
いかく | ![]() |
ぼうじんゴーグル | |
しんちょう | |
190(160)-135-143(156)-*-134(192)-80 | |
ちょうはつ/フレアドライブ ねこだまし/すてゼリフ |
- フシギバナのいのちのたまダイアースを耐える
- いじっぱり霊獣ランドロスのいのちのたまダイアースは、A-1状態でも耐えない
- フレアドライブがダイマックスフシギバナに対して60~70%のダメージ(晴れ状態だと90~110%)
ふかしのこぶし | ![]() |
きあいのタスキ | |
ようき | |
176(4)-182(252)-120-*-80-163(252) | |
すいりゅうれんだ/アクアジェット まもる/インファイト |
グラスメイカー | ![]() |
きせきのタネ | |
いじっぱり | |
188(100)-194(252)-110-*-90-125(156) | |
グラススライダー/ウッドハンマー ねこだまし/まもる |
- グラスフィールドウッドハンマーで全てのダイマックスカプ・レヒレを一撃で倒せる
- グラスフィールドグラススライダーでダイマックスしていない多くのカプ・レヒレを倒せる
- ミストフィールドウッドハンマーでダイマックスしていない多くのカプ・レヒレを倒せる
- 多くのゴリランダーより素早く、先にねこだましを使える
ビーストブースト | ![]() |
いのちのたま | |
ひかえめ | |
192(156)-*-123-174(252)-121-94(100) | |
ラスターカノン/まもる エアスラッシュ/メテオビーム |
- 相手のサマヨールをうそなきと合わせてダイジェット/ダイスチルで倒せる
- ダイロックが相手のガオガエンに対して90%で、倒せない
- 相手のリザードンの晴れ+サンパワー+いのちのたま補正込みのキョダイゴクエン(威力150)を、ひかりのかべ込みで耐える
VS 晴れパーティ


- 相手のフシギバナはガオガエンもセキタンザンも一撃では倒せず、フレアドライブ+キョダイフンセキを集中すれば倒せる
- トリックルーム要員とレジスチルに対してちょうはつが使える
- いかくが入ったランドロスはいのちのたまであってもセキタンザンを倒せない
- テッカグヤも選出できるが、ねむりごなとトリックルームが脅威(うそなき込みでもポリゴン2を倒せない)
VS 雨パーティ


- うそなきダイジェットでダイマックスキングドラを一撃でほぼ倒すことができる
(仮に倒せなかったとしても次のターンにダイウォール+ソウルクラッシュを選択し、オーロンゲが倒された場合はゴリランダーを出すことで相手のキングドラを倒せる。相手のてだすけ+雨ダイストリームはひかりのかべがなくてもテッカグヤは耐える) - キングドラを倒すことができれば、ウーラオス+ゴリランダーで相手の残りのポケモンを倒せる


- セキタンザンの+2ダイバーンは、ひかりのかべ+ダイマックスで耐えることができ、ダイロック+アクアジェット/なみのりのダメージ込みで相手のセキタンザンを倒せる
- 相手のドラパルト+ウーラオスの並びのダイホロウ+すいりゅうれんだをダイマックステッカグヤは耐える(リフレクターがなくても耐える)




全体的に見て、このパーティは良い結果を残すことができたと思います。Players Cupではスイスラウンドを6-3(第1週3-1、第2週3-2)で突破しましたが、準決勝ではプレイが悪く負けてしまいました。しかし、このパーティに対しての文句はありません。厳しいマッチアップではありましたが、相手のプレイには付け入る隙があったので、うまくプレイすることができれば勝つことができていました。あそこで勝てていればチャンピオンになれたかもしれないですが、国内3位を達成できたことは良い結果だったと思います。
レンタルチームID: 0000 0006 R648 N6
Jude Lee
– 3rd Player’s Cup Asia Singapore
– Top 18 Global in Asia Pc
– 10th Season 20 ladder
– Coalossal Onetrick(:)) )
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0006 R648 N6
Hello, this is Jude Lee, aka maGicaUra in game, @PlayerVgc on Twitter.
Today i will show you guys my team that i used to place 3rd in Players Cup Asia Singapore Regional Qualifier (result) and a slight variation of that team to get 2nd place and 5000yen in @laty_poke ‘s Japanese s9 tournament.
Team Building Process
I have always been a fond user of Coalossal, using it ever since Gigantamax was allowed. I managed to get rank 1 on the ladder in mid season three seasons in a row, s18 s19 and s20, finishing in 10th place in end of s20. When building this team, i had to take in many different considerations.
I always used Coalossal with physical construction like Flare Blitz, Rock Slide and Earthquake, because most think Coalossal is special attack based, but actually my Coalossal is physical to surprise them. Like this, you can often trick them to set up Light Screen with Grimmsnarl or use Snarl with Incineroar or Spectrier, then oneshot them after, wasting Light screen.
However, for players cup, it was open teamsheets, meaning that my opponents could see my moveset and upon realising it is physical set, they can easily set up Reflect and Intimidate me, making Coalossal useless. Therefore, I decided to make it special based, as special can ignore Intimidate.
In the construction of this team, we first start off with the star–Coalossal.
Next, we need something to activate the Steam Engine and Weakness Policy boost on Coalossal. Therefore, we added Urshifu-Rapid-Strike to the team. It provides physical damage and a counter to opposing Coalossal and Landorus-Therian that Coalossal might struggle against.
These 2 are quite weak to Water types, and the core of Fire/Water/Grass types is very beneficial for any team in the game, so we chose Rillaboom, as it can kill Water and Ground types easily, especially after Coalossal goes down. Also, having Fake Out is good in the late game, especially with Urshifu.
For the next slot, we added Incineroar to make sure that we have Intimidate pressure to allow Coalossal to take physical hits easier, from threats such as Landorus-Therian and Glastrier. It also has Fake Out which is good, as well as Parting Shot to switch and lower attack power at the same time.
When testing with the original Dragapult Togekiss Coalossal team, we found that maybe too many people would use this team archetype, so we wanted to have a different type of team. At the same time, Coalossal teams should also have a sidekick to it–a Pokemon that can Dynamax to do a lot of damage when the matchup is unfavourable for Coalossal. Because of it’s Steel Flying typing, it can counter Venusaur and Landorus-Therian very easily, therefore we chose Celesteela.
Lastly, we need a supportive Pokemon. We chose Grimmsnarl, as it can support the special damage of Celesteela and Coalossal with Fake Tears, do good damage with Spirit Break and 120 base physical attack stat, as well as support defensively with Light Screen and Reflect. Also, it’s typing of Dark and Fairy makes it favourable vs Dragapult– a Pokemon that can be scary vs my team construction without Togekiss.

The Team
Pokepaste: https://pokepast.es/4584274e86a06413
Steam Engine | ![]() |
Weakness Policy | |
Modest | |
217(252)-*-144(28)-114(28)-111(4)-75(196) | |
Earth Power/Heat Wave Meteor Beam/Protect |
I wanted to change my Coalossal spread, and surprise more people in this tournament. This Coalossal has less special attack investment, instead more bulk investment in order to survive the strong Water and Ground type moves from Landorus and Water types like Tapu Fini and Urshifu-Rapid-Strike.
Important calculations:
- Survival of Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes(20% left)
- Survival of Landorus Life Orb Max Quake at -1(10% left)
- Survives Venusaur Life Orb Max Quake
- Speed is 75, at +6 will Outspeed Chlorophyll 252+ speed Venusaur, speed tie with Kingdra 252+ in Rain
- Does not outspeed Urshifu+2 or Dragapult+1, assuming both 252+ speed
Prankster | ![]() |
Light Clay | |
Careful | |
202(252)-140-101(128)-*-122(128)-80 | |
Light Screen/Reflect Sprit Break/Fake Tears |
Standard spread, Fake Tears for damage output, Screens for defensive stats and Spirit Break for damage. No specific calculations for defense.
Initimidate | ![]() |
Safety Goggles | |
Careful | |
190(160)-135-143(156)-*-134(192)-80 | |
Taunt/Flare Blitz Fake Out/Parting Shot |
Standard Incineroar spread and moveset, except replace Snarl with Taunt. This is to stop Trick Room like Dusclops/Porygon2+Amoonguss, Safety Goggles instead of berry to counter Venusaur, cannot get put to sleep by Sleep Powder and survives Max Quake from Life Orb Venusaur.
Important calculations:
- Survives Max Quake Life Orb Venusaur
- Cannot survive Max Quake Life Orb Adamant Landorus-Therian at -1
- Flare Blitz vs Venusaur-Gmax 60-70% (90-110% in sun)
Unseen Fist | |
Focus Sash | |
Jolly | |
176(4)-182(252)-120-*-80-163(252) | |
Surging Strikes/Aqua Jet Protect/Close Combat |
Normal Urshifu-Rapid-Strikeu, not much to say here.
Grassy Surge | ![]() |
Miracle Seed | |
Adamant | |
188(100)-194(252)-110-*-90-125(156) | |
Grassy Glide/Wood Hammer Fake Out/Protect |
This Rillaboom is very fast, to make sure Fake Out is first priority vs other Rillaboom, and to outspeed Tapu Fini and kill it first.
Protect and Wood Hammer instead of things like U-turn and Knock Off, so that can have oneshot potential with Wood Hammer, and soak up Dynamax damage with Protect to stall opponent Dynamax.
Important calculations:
- Wood Hammer in Grassy Terrain oneshot all Dynamax Tapu Fini
- Grassy Glide in Terrain kills normal non-Dynamax Tapu Fini
- Wood Hammer in Misty Terrain kills normal non-Dynamax Tapu Fini
- Outspeed most Rillaboom to Fake Out first
Beast Boost | ![]() |
Life Orb | |
Modest | |
192(156)-*-123-174(252)-121-94(100) | |
Flash Cannon/Protect Air Slash/Meteor Beam |
Normal Celesteela moveset, speed is to outspeed most Incineroar to do damage first.
Max Special attack to maximise damage, especially with Fake Tears, Life orb for most damage possible.
Important calculations:
- Oneshot Dusclops -2 special defense with Max Airstream/Steelspike
- Max Rockfall to Incineroar does 90%, never kills
- Charizard sun+Solar Power+life orb boosted Gmax-Wildfire (150BP) does not kill Celesteela with Light Screen
VS Sun teams(Venu/Torkoal/Porygon2/Grimmsnarl/Landorus/Registeel)


- Venusaur cannot kill either Incineroar or Coalossal; can kill it with Flare Blitz + G-Max Volcalith
- Can Taunt Trick Room user and Registeel
- Landorus with Life Orb Cannot kill Coalossal
- Celesteela can work, but Sleep Powder and Trick Room dangerous(-2 Porygon2 survives Max Airstream)
VS Rain teams(Kingdra/Politoed, etc.)


- Max Airstream can oneshot Kingdra
(if doesn’t, use Max Guard then Spirit Break turn 2 or let Rillaboom kill after Grimmsnarl faint); Helping Hand+Rain Max Geyser does not kill Celesteela, even without Light Screen - Once Kingdra is gone, Urshifu+Rillaboom wins vs the rest
Dragapult Togekiss Coalossal


- Coalossal +2 Max Flare does not kill Celesteela with Light screen and Dynamax; Max Rockfall plus Aqua Jet/Surf damage for self activation kills Coalossal
- With Reflect, can survive Max Phantasm plus Surging Strikes from Dragapult+Urshifu combination at -1(even without Reflect can survive too)
Usual leads:




Overall, this was successful team, going 6-3 in swiss standings rounds(3-2 weekend 1, 3-1 weekend 2), but fell short in semifinals due to my poor play in that round. That, however, should not say bad things about the team, as even though it was hard matchup, i would have won if i was playing better, as my opponent’s skill level is not as good as i was in that tournament. Top 4, even though could have been champion if i played better as i usually do in the tournament, is still a very good achievement, getting 3rd in the whole country (effectively bronze 🙂 ).
Yes, i could have used the easier version of Dragapult Togekiss Coalossal to win, but i think getting a slightly worse result with original team still shows better skill, and thankfully i was able to achieve a good result in a tournament of this magnitude and difficulty.
2nd place at @laty_poke s9 national double tournament is also very good in my opinion, as a lot of high level players were in that as well.
This team was very fun to use, but unfortunately series 9 is over and i will not get to use it again. I hope that more people understand the difficulty of using a volatile Pokemon like Coalossal, and change their opinion of it being a one-dimensional-, easy to use Pokemon.
Rental Team ID: 0000 0006 R648 N6
Jude Lee
– 3rd Player’s Cup Asia Singapore
– Top 18 Global in Asia Pc
– 10th Season 20 ladder
– Coalossal Onetrick(:)) )