レンタルチームID: 0000 0001 LT8L 59
このアーキタイプを初めて目にしたのは、4月に開催されたEUICでTOP32に入ったときです。Frankfurtでの大会の放送を見て、いくつかの構築作成を試みました。使用感が良かったので、5月のGlobal Challenge(PJCS2022予選)に持ち込もうと決め、22勝1敗で最終17位という結果を残すことができました。残念ながら、負けた試合は終盤でのプレイングミスでしたが、急所に当てて拾った試合もあったので悔やまれます。しかしながら、ほぼ負けなしの結果はこの組み合わせが安定していることを示しているでしょう。
シリーズ12が始まって以来、私はずっとルナアーラのダイマックス適正を信用し、使い続けてきました。ダイホロウは強力なダイマックス技の一つであり、とつげきチョッキ持ちのグラードンが流行している環境で味方の物理アタッカーをサポートできる点で優秀です。ザシアンと組ませたいと思っていたもののうまくまとめることができずにいましたが、EUICでJacopo Gardin(@GardinjVGC)の構築を目にします。
Jacopoのアイデアに改良を加えていく中で、ルナアーラの型を変更することにしました。放送されていたJacopoとJavier Valdezとの試合では、Jacopoは1-2で敗れてしまいます。Jacopoが勝った試合では、相手の集中攻撃をウーラオスが守りながらルナアーラのこごえるかぜを相手のザシアンに当てたことによって勝利しています。素晴らしい戦術ではありますが、こごえるかぜが読まれにくいことに頼っている気がしました。こごえるかぜは非ダイマックス状態で攻撃することを強いられ、ルナアーラへの集中攻撃に対しては無防備になってしまいます。さらには、こごえるかぜでの素早さダウンは交代でリセットされています。これらを踏まえ、こごえるかぜをエアスラッシュに変更し、伝説1体ルールでのドラパルトのように、ダイジェットで味方の素早さを上げることができるようにしました。また、これによりルナアーラと化身ボルトロスの役割を圧縮することもできていて、ルナアーラが「相手のガオガエンを牽制するダイジェット役」を担うことができるようになったことで、Jacopoの化身ボルトロスをレジエレキに変更できると判断しました。このおかげで、ダイマックスせずに素早さ操作をする選択肢が増えました。

ファントムガード | ![]() |
パワフルハーブ | |
おくびょう | |
213(4)-*-109-189(252)-127-163(252) | |
シャドーレイ/エアスラッシュ メテオビーム/ワイドガード |
ふかしのこぶし | ![]() |
きあいのタスキ | |
ようき | |
176(4)-182(252)-121(4)-*-81(4)-162(244) | |
あんこくきょうだ/インファイト ふいうち/みきり |
ふとうのけん | ![]() |
くちたけん | |
ようき | |
167-222(252)-135-*-136(4)-220(252) | |
きょじゅうざん/でんこうせっか インファイト/まもる |
グラスメイカー | ![]() |
きせきのタネ | |
いじっぱり | |
188(100)-184(180)-119(68)-*-91(4)-125(156) | |
ねこだまし/グラススライダー ウッドハンマー/まもる |
トランジスタ | ![]() |
こだわりスカーフ | |
おくびょう | |
156(4)-*-70-152(252)-70-277(252) | |
エレキネット/10まんボルト はかいこうせん/ボルトチェンジ |
いかく | ![]() |
ぼうじんゴーグル | |
わんぱく | |
202(252)-136(4)-134(92)-*-124(108)-87(52) | |
フレアドライブ/すてゼリフ ねこだまし/じごくづき |

- エレキネット+きょじゅうざんで耐久に振っていないカイオーガを99%程度で倒せる。ダイマックスよりもいかくをケアする場合、インファイトならいかく込みでも倒せる。

- ダイホロウ+防御ダウン込インファイトでH199-B136-D137ザシアンを54%で倒せる
- ダイホロウ+防御ダウン込インファイトでH167-B135-D135ザシアンを守る貫通で85%で倒せる
- ダイホロウ+インファイトでH356-B140ダイマックスディアルガを倒せる


- ダイホロウ+ウッドハンマーでとつげきチョッキ持ちのダイマックスグラードンを倒せる
もしこのパーティについて何か質問がありましたら、Discord: lastnamejenkins#7484にメッセージを送ってください。読んでくれてありがとうございます 🙂
レンタルチームID: 0000 0001 LT8L 59
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0001 LT8L 59
Hello, I’m Jenkins.
Lunala + Zacian seems like an unlikely pair. Lunala is a premier Trick Room setter for slow, bulky teams. Zacian however is a fast cleaner, whose bulkiest forms still fall well above the max speed of base 100s or even 110s. Lunala would seem to be entirely outclassed as a Zacian partner by Calyrex-Shadow, which is faster and offers strong spread damage for pins.
The archetype caught my eye after it placed in the Top 32 at EUIC. I experimented with a few builds based on what I saw from the stream from Frankfurt. I felt like I was onto something and decided to get it on cartridge for the May Global Challenge. I went 22-1 for a 17th place finish. Unfortunately, the one loss was due to a misplay on my end, but I also won a game on crits, so the hax evened out to what my record should have been! But the near undefeated record speaks to the remarkable consistency of this pair.
Team Building Process
I have been on team Lunala since the start of series 12 and always had faith in its potential as a max. Max Phantasm is one of the best max moves for supporting physical attackers, to the point that some AV Groudons are running it. I had thought about pairing it with Zacian, but never found a compelling build. That is until I saw Jacopo Gardin (@GardinjVGC)’s team in the EUIC.
Jacopo was using an interesting synergy between Lunala and Urshifu-Dark. More than just covering your Calyrex-Shadow weakness, Urshifu actually shares a base speed of 97 with Lunala. By running max speed on Lunala and dropping your Urshifu’s speed by one point, you can Max Phantasm before attacking with Urshifu for big damage. This speed drop is negligible, as you still outspeed base 95s like Kyurem-White. Combine that with the physical pressure of Zacian and Rillaboom, it makes for a potent hyper-offense core.
In making my own spin on Jacopo’s idea, I started by changing the Lunala set. In Jacopo’s streamed match against Javier Valdez, the set went 1-2 in Javier’s favor. Jacopo’s win was due Lunala hitting Icy Wind on Javier’s Zacian while Urshifu protected from a double up. It was a cool tech – but I felt it relied on surprise. Icy Wind requires you to not dynamax, leaving Lunala open to a potential double up. Additionally, Icy Wind drops can be reset by switching out. In light of this, I opted for Air Slash over Icy Wind. This allowed Lunala to stack speed boosts on your own side similarly to Dragapult in single restricted series. It also provided some role compression. With Lunala now filling the role of Max-Airstreamer-that-deters-Incineroar, I felt confident dropping Jacopo’s Thundurus for Regieleki. This gave the team some additional speed control without requiring a commitment to max.
Finally I wanted something to deal with Trick Room, so I opted for Goggles Incineroar. If you’ve got room for Incin, it’s hard to justify not using it.

The Team
Paste: https://pokepast.es/df1462e1f304dee9
Shadow Shield | ![]() |
Power Herb | |
Timid | |
213(4)-*-109-189(252)-127-163(252) | |
Moongeist Beam/Air Slash Meteor Beam/Wide Guard |
As mentioned above, this Lunala is your primary dynamax target. Max Airstreams and Phantasms provide tons of value for the rest of your team, and having a rock move that doesn’t require Power Herb makes guessing when to use Meteor Beam much less risky.
Wide Guard provides some endgame potential against the weather twins and Calyrexes, protection from Electroweb and Cotton Spore, and can force your opponent into a predictable, inopportune max.
Unseen Fist | ![]() |
Focus Sash | |
Jolly | |
176(4)-182(252)-121(4)-*-81(4)-162(244) | |
Wicked Blow/Close Combat Sucker Punch/Detect |
One of the benefits of running Lunala over Calyrex-Shadow is you don’t have to choose which one gets the Focus Sash. Since Lunala is basically guaranteed to live one hit with Shadow Shield, Urshifu can comfortably run what I think is its best set.
Intrepid Sword | ![]() |
Rusted Swrod | |
Jolly | |
167-222(252)-135-*-136(4)-220(252) | |
Behemoth Blade/Quick Attack Close Combat/Protect |
I went with max speed Zacian as I felt moving first in the ditto would be very important for this team.
Close Combat can take advantage of the defense drops for Max Phantasm, and also nearly 1 shots Porygon2, which can be quite problematic if left unchecked. Quick attack is useful for picking off mons when speed isn’t in your favor, or thwarting priority moves from prankster mons or Sucker Punch Yveltal. I did win some games with it, but for Bo3 I feel Substitute would be better. The team has lots of pressure so you’re likely to get an opportunity, and a well played Incin endgame could take down the Quick Attack version.
Grassy Surge | ![]() |
Miracle Seed | |
Adamant | |
188(100)-184(180)-119(68)-*-91(4)-125(156) | |
Fake Out/Grassy Glide Wood Hammer/Protect |
Another change I made was the Rillaboom. Jacopo’s version of the team had a Life Orb Rillaboom with High Horsepower. However, I saw fast Rillaboom with Wood Hammer was adopted by Calyrex-Shadow teams, as you could outspeed Groudon and 1 shot it given an opening. Considering the prominence of sun, this felt more consistent to me. It also pairs very well with Max Phantasm drops. The bulk allows you to live a Behemoth Blade.
Transistor | ![]() |
Choice Scarf | |
Timid | |
156(4)-*-70-152(252)-70-277(252) | |
Electroweb/Thunderbolt Hyper Beam/Volt Switch |
I opted for Scarf Eleki as the team was struggling to deal with archetypes that were meant to go faster than base Eleki. Swift Swim, Chlorophyll, and Tailwind all could cause some major problems. This pairs very well with max speed Zacian as it allows you to pin Tailwind abusers under 166 speed, like Kyogre or Yveltal.
Intimidate | ![]() |
Safety Goggles | |
Impish | |
202(252)-136(4)-134(92)-*-124(108)-87(52) | |
Flare Blitz/Parting Shot Fake Out/Throat Chop |
The EVs on this are a mishmash of what I was able to adapt from my in game Incin in time for the IC. Given more time I’d run it slower with more bulk. I always prefer Throat Chop to stop a potential Parting Shot.
The Safety Goggles were pivotal to winning Trick Room matchups with Amoonguss. The rest of your team is very threatening to Calyrex-Ice and its partners, so successfully stalling TR without getting spored gives you an easy win.
Common Leads/Gameplans
Regieleki + Zacian

This lead helps with Regieleki and Tailwind leads from your opponent. With Scarf Eleki, Tornogre can no longer outspeed you. It also lets you deal with Calyrex-Shadow Regieleki leads, threatening a KO onto either slot except for physically bulky max Elekis.
Sample Calcs:
- Electroweb + Behemoth Blade into no bulk Kyogre (99% chance to KO). CC is guaranteed KO at -1 if you’re more worried about intimidate than max.
Lunala + Urshifu

This lead is unforgiving to anything that can’t outspeed it. It makes it particularly effective into TR teams, as without redirection you threaten to KO their TR setter or restricted. The best redirecter, Indeedee, is one shot by Urshifu. Other teams may opt for an incineroar lead with the intent to switch Zacian in on the Meteor Beam. This gives you a great opportunity to set up Airstream and immediately threaten a double up.
Sample Calcs:
- Max Phantasm + -1 Close combat into 252HP/4Def/12SpD Zacian (54% chance to KO)
- Max Phantasm + Close combat into 4HP Zacian through protect (85% chance to KO)
- Max Phantasm + Close Combat into 20HP max Dialga (Guaranteed KO)
Lunala + Rillaboom

This is a lead into Whimsicott teams like Kyogre + Calyrex-Shadow that can let you get a surprise Fake Out + Airstream off, immediately putting Lunala in a position to sweep. Helping Hand Max Phantasm from Calyrex-Shadow will KO you through dynamax though, so it’s somewhat risky. Wide Guard and Max Guard give you some decent mix ups.
This lead can also be used into Coalossal as you can Fake Airstream to stop Aqua Jet turn 1 or Protect Airstream to stop it turn 2 with a faster Grassy Glide.
Regieleki + Rillaboom

This lead is for sun, as it covers for Charizard, immediately threatens Groudon, and has priority to deal with Grimmsnarl before it gets out of hand. Your opponent could switch their lead out to Incineroar, but you can always reposition with a Volt Switch/hard switch to Lunala.
Sample Calcs:
- Max Phantasm + Wood Hammer into AV max Groudon (Guaranteed KO)
I have been pleasantly surprised by this team. Lunala’s reliable speed control, coverage, and huge bulk even at max speed complement a Zacian hyper offense core very well. The team goes first and hits hard, and a lot the time that’s all you need.
If you’d like to get in touch about the team, message me on discord: lastnamejenkins#7484. Thanks for reading 🙂
Rental Team ID: 0000 0001 LT8L 59