レンタルチームID: 0000 0002 75NR TV
初めまして。私はイギリスのプレイヤーのAuraRayquaza(@AuraRayquaza)です。最近VR Circuit Qualifier #1でTOP4という成績を残すことができました。
また、Desafio LATAM qualifierという209人が参加した大会でも、この構築に少し変更を加えたもので優勝することができました。変更点についても説明します。
あめふらし | ![]() |
うしおのおこう | |
ひかえめ | |
198(180)-*-110-222(252)-160-120(76) | |
しおふき/ねっとう かみなり/まもる |
うしおのおこうはしおふきとダイストリームの威力を上げるために採用しました。ねっとうはVictory Roadの大会中はこんげんのはどうでしたが、最終的には主に相手のラプラスと組んでいるガオガエンや霊獣ランドロスに確実に当てるためにねっとうとなりました。
クリアボディ | ![]() |
いのちのたま | |
いじっぱり | |
163-189(252)-95-*-96(4)-194(252) | |
ドラゴンアロー/ゴーストダイブ そらをとぶ/ダイビング |
トランジスタ | ![]() |
きあいのタスキ | |
おくびょう | |
156(4)-*-70-152(252)-70-277(252) | |
かみなり/エレキネット ボルトチェンジ/まもる |
Victory Roadの大会では持ち物をじしゃくで使っていましたが、きあいのタスキのほうが良いと思いました(持ち物以外は同じ)。じしゃくはレジエレキがダイマックスした場合に強力で、特に対とつげきチョッキ持ち化身ボルトロスにおいて有効ですが、きあいのタスキの場合はより自由にエレキネットが使えるようになります。どちらも良い選択だと思います。
てつのトゲ | ![]() |
たべのこし | |
ずぶとい | |
176(212)-*-185(140)-*-156(156)-40 | |
てっぺき/ボディプレス やどりぎのタネ/まもる |
- 攻撃1段階上昇A244ザシアンのせいなるつるぎが136~160ダメージ(77.2~90.9%)で確定耐え
- C222カイオーガの雨+しんぴのしずく補正込みのしおふき(威力150)が80~95 (45.4~53.9%)で、たべのこしの回復込みで超高乱数2発耐え
いかく | ![]() |
ぼうじんゴーグル | |
しんちょう | |
201(244)-136(4)-119(68)-*-128(52)-98(140) | |
ねこだまし/フレアドライブ ちょうはつ/すてゼリフ |
- 攻撃1段階下降A238バドレックス(白馬)のいのちのたま補正込みのダイアースが169~200ダメージ(84~99.5%)で確定耐え
- A244ザシアンのインファイトが170~200ダメージ(84.5~99.5%)で確定耐え
トレース | ![]() |
しんかのきせき | |
ずぶとい | |
191(244)-*-145(172)-*-127(92)-80 | |
トリックルーム/イカサマ かいでんぱ/じこさいせい |
- 攻撃1段階上昇A167化身ボルトロスのてだすけ+いのちのたま補正込みのダイサンダーが165~195ダメージ(86.3%~102%)で高乱数(81.3%)で耐え
- 攻撃1段階上昇A167化身ボルトロスのいのちのたま補正込みのばかぢからが135~161ダメージ(70.6%~84.2%)で確定耐え
- H4振りバドレックス(黒馬)にイカサマが136~164ダメージ(77.2%~93.1%)












- とつげきチョッキボルトロスはエレキネット+ダイストリームを耐えてくるためかみなり+ダイストリームを選ぶ必要があります。ゴリランダーと組まれている場合は厳しいこともあります。
- いのちのたまディアルガは非常に強いため、このマッチアップでは慎重に交代を選ぶ必要があります。しかし、終盤でのダイマックスやかいでんぱが役に立つでしょう。
- 環境にドラパルトが増えた場合には、ドラパルトの性格をようきにする必要が出てくるかもしれません。
レンタルチームID: 0000 0002 75NR TV
VR Circuit #1 TOP4
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0002 75NR TV
Hi, I’m AuraRayquaza (@AuraRayquaza) from the UK and recently I finished 3rd in the VR circuit qualifier #1.
I qualified for worlds in 2019 but started getting good results in generation 8 with Dynamax. I really love Dragapult so doing well with it is nice.
I was also able to win the Desafio LATAM qualifier with 209 participants the weekend after, with some changes which will be discussed.
Teambuilding Process
When series 8 rules came out, it was understood that Tornadus + Kyogre was very strong, for making Kyogre very fast to use Water Spout. I wanted to try a more balanced Kyogre team as a way to exert control and also do better vs Zacian and Calyrex teams which are very fast, while still having a way to make Kyogre quick.
Dragapult was determined to be a good partner for Kyogre because it can use Max Geyser to reset the rain vs Groudon and Max Airstream with a high speed next to Kyogre. Its dragon typing provides a nice resistance to water, grass and electric which are all prominent attacking types in the format.
Some of my ideas revolved around keeping the balance core of Amoonguss Incineroar and Kyogre, while adding Dragapult to Max Phantasm beatdown with Kartana and Max Airstream with Kyogre. I also tried to develop a stronger Trick Room mode by using Glastrier, while keeping the basic TornOgre core with Kartana. None of the above ideas worked.
I found this 6 on ladder and immediately I liked it. Ferrothorn is a strong win condition next to Kyogres offensive pressure and likes Rain + TR support to cover its weaknesses. It also has good vertical switch synergy with kyogre, but more bulk than kartana. Regieleki helps Dragapult to sweep by hitting Electrowebs onto TornOgre, Calyrex and Zacian. I made sets and entered the tournament.
The team
Drizzle | ![]() |
Sea Incense | |
Modest | |
198(180)-*-110-222(252)-160-120(76) | |
Water Spout/Scald Thunder/Protect |
Kyogre is the centre of the team and the biggest offensive threat, able to work both inside TR and get speed boosts to hit hard.
It is important to know when dynamaxing Kyogre is the best choice or if you should Water Spout instead. If Kyogre is positioned well, then you will most likely win the game. The pivoting from Incineroar and Regieleki helps with this.
Sea Incense was used to boost Water Spout and Max Geyser power. Scald was used in the final version (Origin Pulse in the VR tour) to hit Incineroar and Landorus-T accurately when they were paired with Lapras. Ice Beam was changed to Thunder to further help vs Lapras teams, being able to click Max Lightning vs them. It means you can also hit opposing Kyogre hard, which sometimes helps vs opposing TornOgre teams.
The speed EVs outspeed Thundurus after a Max Airstream speed boost, while staying slow enough for TR. The extra HP is extremely good because Kyogre gets much more bulky than opponents might expect.
Clear Body | ![]() |
Life Orb | |
Adamant | |
163-189(252)-95-*-96(4)-194(252) | |
Dragon Darts/Phantom Force Fly/Dive |
Dragapult is one of my favourite pokemon in sword and shield. It is faster than most other pokemon in the format at the moment, with the exception of Zacian and Calyrex-Shadow, so it can Max Airstream very quickly.
Its typing is also very good, for being able to resist most of the attacks on TornOgre teams and dealing huge damage to Solgaleo/Necrozma Dusk Mane. It fulfils a similar role to Tornadus in controlling the weather and speed, but has a bigger offensive presence on the field. Being immune to Fake Out also means you can often punish Fake Out leads by maxing Dragapults partner to get two attacks off.
Dive was chosen alongside the other standard moves for Max Geyser to reset rain for Kyogre when facing sun teams. It can also hit Ferrothorn answers like Rotom-H and Incineroar hard.
It has a much better Venusaur matchup than Tornadus does.
Adamant was chosen because Jolly Dragapult cannot outspeed Zacian or Calyrex-Shadow so you must rely on Electroweb anyway. Therefore the extra power is preferred. 252 speed EVs outspeeds 252 timid Venusaur in sun if you have a +1 speed boost.
Transistor | ![]() |
Focus Sash | |
Timid | |
156(4)-*-70-152(252)-70-277(252) | |
Thunder/Electroweb Volt Switch/Protect |
Regieleki is a good mixture of support and offense for the team. Electroweb is the most used move to speed up Dragapult and Kyogre, and is very good vs TornOgre and Zacian/Calyrex.
Max speed with timid was used because after one Electroweb, Regieleki outspeeds Tornadus and Kartana even in Tailwind, so can Electroweb a second time to neutralise the speed boost from TW.
I used Magnet in the VR tour but decided Focus Sash was better (the rest of the set stayed the same). Magnet makes Regieleki a stronger dynamax option, particularly vs AV Thundurus, but Focus Sash allows Regieleki more freedom to use Electroweb. Both are good choices.
Iron Barbs | ![]() |
Leftovers | |
Bold | |
176(212)-*-185(140)-*-156(156)-40 | |
Iron Defense/Body Press Leech Seed/Protect |
The moveset is standard and lets Ferrothorn be a strong wincon at any point in the game. I have found the most success aggressively setting up Iron Defense with the pressure of Kyogre or Dragapult next to it, but it can be a reliable plan to remove all of the fire types on the opposing team and play slowly with leech seeds.
It is very good vs legends such as Dialga and Palkia, forming a good defensive core with Incineroar, Porygon2 and Kyogre.
The EV spread hits a 16n HP number for best leftovers recovery, and lives 2 Mystic Water Kyogre Water Spouts after Leftovers. The speed is not minimised because Ferrothorn can outspeed Calyrex-Ice outside of TR if you can use Electroweb or Max Airstream.
Damage Calculations:
- +1 252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Sacred Sword vs. 212 HP / 140+ Def Ferrothorn: 136-160 (77.2 – 90.9%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
- 252+ SpA Sea Incense Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 212 HP / 156 SpD Ferrothorn in Rain: 80-95 (45.4 – 53.9%) — 2.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Intimidate | ![]() |
Safety Goggles | |
Careful | |
201(244)-136(4)-119(68)-*-128(52)-98(140) | |
Fake Out/Flare Blitz Taunt/Parting Shot |
The Incineroar was chosen to be Safety Goggles with Taunt to provide a second switch into Amoonguss with Ferrothorn. It is a key defensive pokemon with Intimidate and Fake Out to help Kyogre attack more freely, and to help set up Trick Room.
It pairs nicely with Dragapult to check Venusaur leads and can give many pivoting options when lead with Regieleki.
I would also sometimes dynamax Incineroar if I had clicked Water Spout with Kyogre and my Regieleki was low on HP.
The EV spread is very important. It lives -1 max quake from calyrex-ice, and a zacian close combat at neutral. A speed stat of 98 is chosen to almost guarantee i outspeed every other incineroar i face. This is useful to give Porygon2 an easier time setting TR, and can create some nice situations with Kyogre and Ferrothorn to remove the opposing Incineroar. By being faster than other Incineroar, I can taunt them before they have a chance to Parting Shot, losing a lot of momentum for the opponent. I also have a slower parting shot under TR. This forms a key piece of the Calyrex-Shadow matchup with Porygon2, which will be mentioned later.
Damage Calculations:
- -1 252+ Atk Life Orb Calyrex-Ice Max Quake vs. 244 HP / 68 Def Incineroar: 169-200 (84 – 99.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Close Combat vs. 244 HP / 68 Def Incineroar: 170-200 (84.5 – 99.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Trace | ![]() |
Eviolite | |
Bold | |
191(244)-*-145(172)-*-127(92)-80 | |
Trick Room/Foul Play Eerie Impulse/Recover |
The most consistent Trick Room setter for the team, because it can function very effectively even outside of tr. It can function as an endgame wincon after all of the big hitters have fainted to Kyogre’s water moves.
Eerie Impulse allows p2 to control the Sp Atk of Pokemon such as Venusaur, Dialga and Palkia, and helps Ferrothorn out since i cannot use Max Quake to boost its Sp Def.
Foul Play is used as the attack because a lot of Pokemon have very high attack stats, such as Zacian Thundurus Groudon Kartana and Landorus-T. Even special attacking restricted Pokemon have high attack stats, so Foul Play always does nice damage. It also hits Calyrex-shadow very hard, which is important in the matchup.
There is also the very rare option to dynamax P2 under TR. You can use max darkness to lower special defense and make kyogres water spout even stronger.
Because there are no moves that rely on Porygon2’s attack stats, Trace is the ability used. Download is useless, and Analytic is only useful when not setting TR, which isn’t very often. Trace can give P2 some very good abilities, such as Prankster, Clear Body, Friend Guard, Beast Boost and Intimidate. When compared to the times trace is a bad situation (tracing Drought) or neutral (such as Transistor), it is about 5% bad, 55% neutral and 40% good.
The EV spread is tailored specifically for Thundurus I. This is because a popular team with Calyrex-shadow by marcofiero (@marc0fier0) had Thundurus I and Incineroar on it to stop TR from being set up, and i wanted to beat that. The defense always lives +1 HH LO Thundurus Max Knuckle. This means you can always lead Incineroar and P2 into Thundurus and Fake Out Thundurus. If they dynamax to dodge Fake Out, P2 lives the attack. If they do not lead Indeedee to helping hand, then you can Fake Out the partner Incineroar or Urshifu to stop a Taunt or Close Combat. This almost always guarantees TR sets up and Kyogre can Water Spout freely.
Damage Calculations:
- +1 252 Atk Life Orb Thundurus Helping Hand Max Lightning vs. 244 HP / 172+ Def Eviolite Porygon2: 165-195 (86.3 – 102%) — 18.8% chance to OHKO
- +1 252 Atk Life Orb Thundurus Superpower vs. 244 HP / 172+ Def Eviolite Porygon2: 135-161 (70.6 – 84.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 0- Atk Porygon2 Foul Play vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Calyrex-Shadow: 136-164 (77.2 – 93.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Common leads
I believe that with enough practise, this team can win any battle. It is very important to choose the correct Pokemon in each game, otherwise you will not be able to set up your winning Pokemon properly. For example: if there is an Amoonguss on the opposing team, do not bring Porygon2 as it is useless when rage powder is used.
It is also important to see that Ferrothorn is very bad against TornOgre teams, even though it beats Kyogre, Regieleki, Amoonguss and Incineroar. The combination of Taunt + Water Spout and Max Knuckles from Kartana is too much to handle.
Basic selection 1


The aim is to put a lot of pressure on the opponent with Electroweb + Max Phantasm or Max Wyrmwind. We will try to use Volt Switch safely at some point to give Kyogre a Max Airstream speed boost, but do not worry if this isn’t possible.
It should be noted that you can dynamax Regieleki here if you are expecting a Fake Out into it. This allows for 2 attacks on turn 1 which can be devastating.
The last pokemon should be chosen based on the opponents team and your best endgame plan. Porygon2 is a rare choice here but good if you want to develop a late Trick Room or the opponent cannot KO it. Incineroar is best chosen when Kyogre can sweep.
Very rarely in this selection, we will choose Incineroar + Ferrothorn in the back, when Kyogre is not very strong. This is often used against Dialga/Palkia teams as a game 3 adjustment in BO3 tournaments.
Basic selection 2


We will aim to use the same plan as selection 1, but with Kyogres Water Spout.
The last pokemon should be chosen depending on who the best max pokemon is. If Kyogre or Regieleki can dynamax early, you will be able to use their pressure to set up Iron Defense with Ferrothorn. If you will click Electroweb + Water Spout, then Dragapult is very strong in the back.
The Ferrothorn version is my most common choice against Lapras/Zacian teams. I will dynamax Kyogre and set up Ferrothorn quickly before Zacian enters the field.
Basic selection 3


We will aim to set up Trick Room quickly and sweep with Kyogre. Ferrothorn can find opportunities to set up an Iron Defense, while Regieleki can dynamax after Trick Room has ended if Kyogre doesn’t do so.
It should be noted that sometimes, Incineroar can also dynamax if Ferrothorn is selected. This is the most common selection against Dialga/Palkia + Grimmsnarl teams, where we will try to Eerie Impulse the Dialga and use Ferrothorn + Kyogre to waste the early max turns, ending with a Ferrothorn win.


We will expect a Thundurus lead and refer to selection 3. Calyrex + Thundurus = Fake Out Thundurus, Thundurus + Incineroar = Fake Out Incineroar, Urshifu + Thundurus = Fake Out Urshifu (since Urshifu Max Knuckle + Superpower only KOs 3/16 times).
We will then aim to sweep with Kyogre and keep Regieleki for the end of the game to finish off.


We will refer to selection 1 here. Turn 1 you should Max Airstream the Tornadus and Protect Regieleki. Then Electroweb on turn 2. Regieleki at +1 speed will outspeed Tornadus in Tailwind to take the KO.
If Kartana leads, then you should Max Airstream the Kartana to put pressure on it. The Focus Sash on Regieleki also allows you to Electroweb on turn 1 if you decide.
Kyogre is not so important here but can hit Incineroar hard and deal with lategame Kyogre. Incineroar is the best option against Kartana late on.


Once again we refer to selection 1 (it is very good haha). The plan will be to Volt Switch and Max Airstream Venusaur on turn 1 and hopefully pick up a knockout. If Groudon enters the field for Venusaurs partner, then we will switch Kyogre in. Otherwise, switch Incineroar in. The remainder of the game will need to be played carefully to continue winning the weather war but it should be easy to do.
In this environment, most Venusaurs do not use Sleep Powder. But if they have it, then we hope it does not hit Dragapult or that Venusaur in sun is slower than Regieleki…
Some tough Pokemon for this report exist, but all of them are able to be beaten with enough practise, so do not be disheartened!
- AV Thundurus is able to live Electroweb + Max Geyser, so we must Thunder + Max Geyser, which is sometimes hard if paired with Rillaboom.
- Life Orb Dialga requires very careful switching, as it is very strong, but a lategame dynamax or an Eerie Impulse can help this.
- It may become necessary to use Jolly Dragapult as the number of Dragapults increases in the environment.
Lastly, thank you for reading my report! I have gained a lot of information and help from reading team constructions on Liberty Note so it is good to finally contribute, I hope you enjoy the team. I thank @OweVGC for using the team with me and helping to learn some of the matchups. Any further questions can be directed to me @AuraRayquaza on Twitter.
Rental Team ID: 0000 0002 75NR TV
VR Circuit #1 TOP4