レンタルチームID: 0000 0004 HX82 2H
みなさんこんにちは。私の名前はJude Lee (@PlayerVgc)です。2016年からVGCを始めたプレイヤーで、2019年からより本格的に取り組み始めました。私の主な実績はシンガポールで行われたPokemon Asia’s Players Cup Regional Qualifiers TOP4で、シリーズ11でもこれまで多くの大会でトップカットに進出しています。
- ランクバトルシーズン24 11/30時点で1位(415勝183敗) & 最終3位
- z trick room cup 2位 (参加者30人)
- Victory Road Series 11 Challenge TOP4 (参加者約100人)
- JoeUX9 tour TOP4 (参加者95人)
- リバティノートチャンピオンシップス(LCS2021) Day2進出 (22位/参加者123人)
このパーティは、私の友達のバリヤード角中(@kakunaka_VGC)がてるチャレチーム戦で、Victor Medina(@TorvivVGC)がJoeUX9 tourでそれぞれ使用し、良い結果を残してくれました。このことからも、このパーティは優れていて、ランクバトルでもトーナメントでも有効であると言えます。
- だっしゅつボタントリックによる妨害を受けない
- 黒バドレックスに対して非常に強い
- 耐久が高く倒されづらい
- カイオーガ、リザードン、フシギバナ/コータスなどのメジャーな特殊アタッカーとの撃ち合いに強い

じょうききかん | ![]() |
じゃくてんほけん | |
おくびょう | |
185-*-140-132(252)-111(4)-90(252) | |
まもる/メテオビーム ねっぷう/ソーラービーム |
ふかしのこぶし | ![]() |
きあいのタスキ | |
ようき | |
175-182(252)-120-*-81(4)-163(252) | |
すいりゅうれんだ/まもる インファイト/アクアジェット |
グラスメイカー | ![]() |
きせきのタネ | |
いじっぱり | |
192(132)-194(252)-110-*-90-121(124) | |
グラススライダー/ウッドハンマー まもる/ねこだまし |
ふとうのけん | ![]() |
くちたけん | |
ようき | |
167-222(252)-135-*-136(4)-220(252) | |
きょじゅうざん/せいなるつるぎ じゃれつく/まもる |
いかく | ![]() |
シュカのみ | |
しんちょう | |
200(236)-136(4)-130(156)-*-130(68)-86(44) | |
フレアドライブ/ねこだまし すてゼリフ/ちょうはつ |
ぎゃくじょう | ![]() |
とつげきチョッキ | |
ひかえめ | |
192(212)-94-113(20)-150(132)-146(4)-128(140) | |
イカサマ/バークアウト エアスラッシュ/ふいうち |




















また、友達のVíctor Medina (@TorvivVGC)たちにも、このパーティを使って良い結果を残したことを祝福します。
最後に、いつも支えてくれたりこのパーティを使ったりしてくれたBuzzwole Gainsのチームメイトたちにも感謝です。彼ら(Baars, Jin Furai, jnqe, Dresiop, tyoら)がいなければこの結果はありませんでした。
レンタルチームID: 0000 0004 HX82 2H
- バークアウトで弱体化させることに囚われすぎないように。時にはダイマックスして素早さを上げたり生存できるようにしたりすることが圧力となることがあります。
- セキタンザンを失うことを恐れないように。カメックス、フシギバナや他のキョダイマックスと同様に、キョダイフンセキを使うことができれば1ターンで倒されてしまっても十分なことがあります。セキタンザンを1ターンで失っても、フンセキの定数ダメージと、ゴリランダー・ウーラオス・ザシアンで相手を倒し切れる試合はたくさんあります。
- ダイマックスを強制させられていると感じないように。それがこのパーティのメインプランです。ダイマックスはプレイに柔軟性をもたらしてくれるものです。私はこれまでに、ダイナックルやダイアタックの追加効果のためにウーラオスやゴリランダーをダイマックスさせたことがあります。
Jude Lee
Gigarroca Ígnea demasiado fuerte
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0004 HX82 2H
Hello everyone, my name is Jude Lee (@PlayerVgc), and I am a player who started vgc in 2016 but only took it more seriously in 2019 onwards. My results in vgc have included top 4 in Pokemon Asia’s Players Cup Regional Qualifiers in Singapore, and cutting a lot of online tours so far in series 11.
Today, I am presenting to you my take on Coalossal in the s11 meta — a team that has carried me to multiple impressive results online.
The results include:
- Current no.1 on the in game ladder (415-183)
- 2nd Place z trick room cup (30 participants)
- Top 4 Victory Road Series 11 Challenge (approx. 100 participants)
- Top 4 JoeUX9 tour (95 participants)
- Day 2 of Liberty note championships(LCS 2021) (Top Cut day 1, 22nd out of 123 participants)
This team was also used by my friend Shinichi Matsuda (@kakunaka_VGC) and Víctor Medina (@TorvivVGC) in the Tererun team challenge and 2nd place in the JoeUX9 tour. Both achieved very good results, proving that this team is a successful and effective team both in the ladder and in tournaments.
Without further ado, let’s move onto the team building process.
Team Building Process
IMO, every good Coalossal core should have the standard fire water grass core. I feel that Urshifu-Rapid-Strike is hands down the best Aqua Jet user in the format by a mile, because of it being a physical attacker that can diversify your team’s damage type and the synergy between Unseen fFst and Fake Out from Pokemon like Incineroar and Rillaboom. For the grass type, I decided against Amoonguss as I felt Rillaboom is much better for cleaning up games, and there are a lot of spread moves like Precipice Blades and Water Spout/Origin Pulse, that redirection is not as good as in a format like series 9.
For my restricted, i chose Zacian, as it is the best supporter of Coalossal, given that it can hit everything for good damage, even if resisted or dynamaxed, without needing to dynamax itself, making it a very good clean up Pokemon. For that purpose, I was deciding between Calyrex-Shadow-Rider and Zacian, but felt that Zacian had much better bulk and can hit things like Assault Vest Landorus-Therian and dynamax threats in general more effectively, and Calyrex-Shadow has a glaring weakness to Sucker Punch from things like Urshifu-Single-Strike variants which are quite popular.
Next, I added Incineroar, as it is overall a very consistent member that every team should have, as it can control the board state very well, with Parting Shot being so overpowered, and having a very good STAB move like Flare Blitz, and support move like Taunt, as well as the Fake Out pressure.
Now, here comes the hard part — choosing the last Pokemon. I originally wanted to put Dragapult in, as it is good vs the sun matchup with Will-O-Wisp pressure and Light Screen support, but i felt that my Calyrex-Shadow Thundurus matchup would be horrendous if I did so, and I also wanted a member that could use Max Airstream, to give my fast threats a way to keep up with speed control that my team lacks. The only really viable airstream user was Galarian-Moltres, which made a lot of sense due to a few reasons:
- Doesn’t get cheesed by eject button
- Walls Calyrex-Shadow hard
- Has very good bulk and survivability
- Has a good MU vs a lot of popular special attackers like Kyogre, Charizard and Venusaur/Torkoal

The Team
Steam Engine | ![]() |
Weakness Policy | |
Timid | |
185-*-140-132(252)-111(4)-90(252) | |
Protect/Meteor Beam Heat Wave/Solar Beam |
Standard Coalossal team here, Solar Beam instead of Earth Power to handle threats like Kyogre (if not dynamaxing), Groudon once your dynamax is over, Gastrodon, etc. You would not be able to win some matchups if you have Earth Power over Solar Beam, and since +2 Volcalith already oneshots opposing dynamax Coalossal, you don’t need to tech Earth Power specifically for that MU; Solar Beam covers much more.
Spread is very standard, but Timid is very crucial to note here. It allows you to outspeed a lot of things in tailwind/when twaved/opponent at +2 speed, such as Charizard, Nihilego, Kartana, which you would not outspeed with a modest nature. Also, I figured that modest was kind of overkill, given that i was picking up/not picking up KOs regardless of nature, and many calculations were not altered by the changing of nature. I decided that bulky Coalossal is not that good in the current format, as it doesn’t change much of the calculations other than maybe living Surging Strikes from non banded Urshifu-Rapid-Strike.
Unseen Fist | |
Focus Sash | |
Jolly | |
175-182(252)-120-*-81(4)-163(252) | |
Surging Strikes/Protect Close Combat/Aqua Jet |
Standard Urshifu set, nothing much to talk about here.
Grassy Surge | ![]() |
Miracle Seed | |
Adamant | |
192(132)-194(252)-110-*-90-121(124) | |
Grassy Glide/Wood Hammer Protect/Fake Out |
Standard full offense Rillaboom set here, speed is to speed creep the opposing Rillabooms that hit 120, which can be very important when you want to get the Fake Out off first.
Protect over pivoting move like U-turn, as it is good to stall out opposing dynamax, plus, Wood Hammer’s raw damage in late game is too good to pass up.
Intrepid Sword | ![]() |
Rusted Sword | |
Jolly | |
167-222(252)-135-*-136(4)-220(252) | |
Behemoth Blade/Sacred Sword Play Rough/Protect |
Full offense Zacian, no Substitute/Swords Dance, as the purpose of this Pokemon is mainly to pick up KOs in the end game or early game, not to stick around for 5 or more turns.
Play Rough is for Zekrom, Palkia and Zygarde MUs that are tough for this team, also good for Sableye KOs, even when burned. No bulk, as it doesn’t really change calculations without screens, and Jolly instead of Adamant to ensure you have at least a 50/50 chance of winning Zacian 1v1 mirrors, and outspeeding Dragapult, as well as outspeeding Urshifu and Kyogre(non scarfed) in Tailwind at +1 speed is very important.
Initimidate | ![]() |
Shuca Berry | |
Careful | |
200(236)-136(4)-130(156)-*-130(68)-86(44) | |
Flare Blitz/Fake Out Parting Shot/Taunt |
Incineroar spread is to speed creep 85 speed incineroars.
Taunt instead of Snarl or Darkest Lariat/Throat Chop to stop things like Amoonguss or Trick Room setters if they get greedy or don’t respect the possibility of Taunt, and also helps to set up good endgame scenarios where they cannot Protect or Max Guard from clean up moves like Grassy Glide, Aqua Jet, or Zacian’s attacks/Moltres’ Sucker Punch.
Defense and Special Defense EVs and nature are to make them the same.
Berserk | ![]() |
Assault Vest | |
Modest | |
192(212)-94-113(20)-150(132)-146(4)-128(140) | |
Foul Play/Snarl Air Slash/Sucker Punch |
MVP of the anti Coalossal matchups.
Can live almost all neutral double ups, even takes double ups of 2 super effective special attacks, main role is to give Airstream boosts to Urshifu and Zacian.
Snarl is good for outside of max, helps to neutralize special attackers like Dialga and Torkoal, Foul Play is very good for attacking Zacian (30% at least), and Sucker Punch is good for endgames where you want to get some damage off as chip before Moltres dies. Fiery Wrath isn’t needed as you already have Snarl that does pretty much the same job as it, if not better (because of Sp.Atk drops).
This should be all the relevant MUs you need to be successful with this team, please enjoy it!
VS Hotdog 


Main way to win this MU is either killing Grimmsnarl T1 with Zacian and Parting Shot onto other dynamax Pokemon to nulify their damage, or baiting max Flare into Zacian and proccing Coalossal.
Taunt is very important, as it prevents grimm or torkoal from doing their shenanigans.
VS @UB_SLOW rank1 team 


This is probably the toughest matchup you will ever face, as the Landorus oneshots Coalossal even at -1, you cannot self proc yourself due to lack of Surf and Gastrodon, and Moltres does nothing vs Zacian and Grimmsnarl with screens and Max Quake boosts.
The way you approach this matchup is to try to chip Landorus low enough where Grassy Glide kills it. After that, use Flare Blitz to proc Steam Engine and try to sweep from there. Rilla over Urshifu for Fake Out pressure and kill pressure onto Gastrodon.
VS VenuDon 


This is a tricky matchup because of the different Pokemon they can dynamax, making it a 50/50 matchup.
Zacian Incin covers most bases, gameplan is to Parting Shot Groudon and target around it, making Groudon low in attack power is really helpful for Coalossal to survive, Taunt is also very good vs opposing Umbreons if they do have it.
Knowing the Charizard set is important as well, as it affects how you play the MU. Do note that late game Charizard max is very threatening to your team, but this gameplan is by far the best you can do. To avoid getting swept by Charizard max, try to target efficiently to at least force out t1 max guard from charizard and position yourself such that by the time Coalossal dies, sun is close to/has run out already.
VS Kingdra Zacian Gothitelle 


Zacian outspeeds Kingdra at +1 in rain, so try to get airstream off t1 while protecting Zacian from a Max Geyser in rain. If they switch into Zacian and airstream Moltres t1, then pivot Zacian into Rilla and continue damaging Kingdra to get it into Grassy Glide range with airstreams and Life Orb chip damage.
Preserve Urshifu for late game, where rain boosted Surging Strikes destroys their whole team.
50/50 matchup, depending on what they do in t1, but definitely winnable if you make the right plays.
VS Tailwind Rain HO 


This MU is relatively easy, as long as you get +1 onto Zacian, as it can outpace Kyogre as long as it is not scarfed. If scarfed(which you can tell from which ability, Intrepid Sword or Drizzle, starts first), airstream Kyogre to weaken Water Spout and potentially force out a max, which is free food for rillaboom.
If they go Cinderace max t1, then Protect Zacian and switch it out t2 to Urshifu to stall out the max damage from Cinderace. Aqua jet+2 ticks of LO+2 airstreams should be a kill onto Cinderace, even if it has transformed into a type not weak to aqua jet. Moltres can also usually survive a double up from Cinderace and Whimsicott plus another attack from Cinderace (yes, it’s that bulky).
If they max Landorus, get +1 onto Zacian and it outspeeds, putting it into Grassy Glide range. If they airstream t1 into Moltres, switch Zacian out into Rilla to take quake t2 and should be fine (once Lando’s max is over, it is basically useless vs your team, with Grassy Terrain weakening earthquakes).
The worst MU of these MUs is if they have Tapu Lele/Indeedee-F, if that is the case, then just preserve Rilla as late as possible and pick up quick KOs to hopefully force psy terrain out as early as possible — so as to ensure a terrain war victory on your end.
VS Calyrex-Ice TR 


Rilla is your prime max candidate here, as it can one hit KO Mimikyu even when intimidated in Grassy Terrain, or when at neutral in misty terrain. Urshifu is for extra damage onto mimikyu if they have incin and Fini. Change to Incineroar instead of Urshifu alongside Rillaboom if opponent has Amoonguss (generally means they don’t have tapu fini as the 2 contradict each other heavily).
If opponent leads caly mimi, then G-max Drum Solo the mimi and Taunt caly, caly cannot oneshot unless he self shadow sneaks himself and maxes, which means tr isn’t going up. Zacian urshi rilla will win vs that team as long as TR is not up.
Rilla is also helpful vs Eleki mode of that team, as you can max strike the eleki, making it slower than Zacian and in Behemoth Blade KO range, even though most players do not bring Eleki, as Calyrex can sweep more easily.
If TR setter is Dusclops, then use Incin to Taunt it and drum solo the eleki to oneshot it, Calyrex ice without max, even at +2, doesn’t kill Zacian with Glacial Lance, and Incin never dies t1 unless eleki maxes.
VS Calyrex-Shadow HO 


Made a lot easier by Moltres. Behemoth Blade the Thundurus and target the other slot with Moltres, and that’s about it. Pretty easy as long as nothing crazy happens, like critting Max Lightning/Astral Barrages.
Some teams have a Rotom which is kind of good vs Moltres Zacian, but most won’t bring it, due to the coalossal threat.
VS Physical Regieleki Calyrex-Shadow HO 


Very hard MU, even consider forfeiting to be honest. Physical Regieleki can oneshot almost everything.
For this MU, I would max Rilla vs Indeedee Eleki mode, so that I can max strike it to make Zacian faster than it. If he airstreams t1, I get free damage onto Indeedee, and Urshifu gets to attack twice. Urshifu is meant to dish out 1 attack while hanging on with Sash, Moltres is for the endgame with Calydow, u can even max it if they don’t bring Regieleki and use Calyrex shadow mode instead.
It’s still an extremely hard MU, so a win is never guaranteed vs this. Main advice: Be flexible with the leads of Rilla and Moltres, and adapt flexibly to what they bring/what you think they will dynamax and be confident with your choices.
VS Coalossal Mirror Match 




If they have Calyrex-Shadow, lead the first lead, while if they have Zacian, lead the second lead pairing.
Moltres is surprisingly good in this MU, with airstreams being very effective vs Rilla and Urshifu, allowing Zacian to hit 330 speed number, which outspeeds non Jolly Coalossal at +6. However, vs Zacian Coalossal, normal Urshi Coal is much better, as Moltres is weak against Zacian.
In summary, this is a very good team for series 11, having good matchups vs most of the meta, which is quite hard to achieve with any core in s11, with the restricted MU dictating a lot of the MU.
I would like to give thanks to my good friend @typhoeus200318, who is my building partner for Coalossal teams, he is truly a great player who has a lot of interesting ideas with regards to building Coalossal, I have definitely learnt a lot from his ideas.
Also congrats to people like Víctor Medina (@TorvivVGC), who is now a friend of mine, for taking this team and using it to 2nd place for the first time.
Lastly, huge thanks to my teammates in the Buzzwole Gains (EGL team) for always supporting me using this team and through my tournament runs, couldn’t have done it without them.(Baars, Jin Furai, jnqe, Dresiop and others like tyo)
Rental code is below, and pls enjoy using it!! Cheers!
Rental Team ID: 0000 0004 HX82 2H
Final tips for this team:
- Don’t get too obsessed with spamming Snarls, sometimes maxing is good for the extra speed boosts and survivability, as well as the pressure you get from it.
- Don’t be afraid to lose Coalossal, just like Blastoise, Venusaur and other residual effects abusers of gmax, sometimes, just getting the effect off is good enough to justify dynamaxing it, even if it gets oneshot. There are many games where I lost Coalossal turn 1 but still won easily due to the power of rocks chipping opponents down for the combo of Rilla Urshi and Zacian to clean up.
- Don’t feel forced to dynamax something, just because it is the main mode of dynamax. Dynamax is made for us to be flexible with our ways to play out the game — I have even maxed Urshifu and Rillaboom before, for Max Knuckle boosts and Max Strikes for Rillaboom.
Jude Lee
Gigarroca Ígnea demasiado fuerte