レンタルチームID: 0000 0003 CH68 Y7
こんにちは!Kotomi (@apronvgc)です。
私はパンデミックの最中にポケモンシールドをメインにプレイし始めました(以前はポケモンGOをプレイしていました笑)。私はすぐにVGCにハマり、オンラインやリアルのチーム戦やランクバトルに取り組んでいました。初めてのリアルのイベントとしてLondon Openに参加し、素晴らしい体験ができました。今後はもっと頑張っていきたいです!
まず、シリーズ13に取り組む前に私はシリーズ12でRinya Sunを世界大会まで使っていました。London OpenでRinya Sunを使い6勝3敗となり、初めてCPを獲得することができました。
London Open Paste: https://pokepast.es/ecd8930084dc0556
シリーズ13の最初の印象としてはとても攻撃的な環境だと思いました。このルールでは禁止伝説ポケモンを好きなだけ使うことができるためです。最初はエルフーン+禁止伝説5体orレジエレキといった攻撃的な構築が環境を支配しているように見えました。一度はこのフォーマットを諦めて、他のフォーマット(Spikemuth Cup/ダイマなし全国)をプレイすることにしました。
そんな時に、SCLと呼ばれる大会にマネージャーとして参加しました。この大会は2つのフォーマット(シリーズ13とSpikemuth Cup)で進行していました。私はSpikemuth Cupのフォーマットはすでにプレイしていましたが、チームをできるだけサポートするためにシリーズ13を練習したいと思いました。構築がなかったので、シリーズ12で最も使用感が良かったRinya Sunをシリーズ13向けに組み替えることにし、ガオガエンをバドレックス(黒馬)に変更し、リザードンをスタンダードないのちのたま持ちに変更しました。
ガオガエンをバドレックス(黒馬)に変更した理由は、最初はただ”シリーズ13で伝説2体の構築を使いたくない”というだけのものでしたが、ガオガエンをバドレックス(黒馬)に変更するのが最も自然であると感じられました。この変更はRinya Sunのゲームプランにとてもフィットしました。Rinya Sunはゆっくりとゲームを展開して序盤は相手を妨害して終盤にダイマックスを残して有利を取り、キョダイゴクエンの定数ダメージとダイジェットのS上昇を活かしてゲームを締めくくります。
- 最初に明らかに欠陥に感じられたのはオーロンゲの構成です。シリーズ12では機能していましたが、ここではイマイチだと感じました。ガオガエンがパーティにいないので、相手のザシアンはオーロンゲを狙うことで容易に処理することができます。オーロンゲはザシアンに何もできないため、つまり常に相手にとっては最悪でもオーロンゲと何かを1:1交換に持ち込むことができるということです。シリーズ13ルールではすべてのチームにザシアンが入っているため、これはとても大きな問題でした。
- いのちのたまリザードンは結果としてイマイチでした。火力はやや過剰で、相手が攻撃的なリザードンを対策している場合には気まずい状況になります。ほとんどのパーティにはエルフーンやレジエレキといった素早さ操作役が入っており、リザードンはしばしば厳しい状況に追い詰められます。
世界大会にて、Rinya Sunの作者であるリンヤ選手(@gozira2004)がリリバのみオーロンゲを使っているのを見て、試してみることにしました。この構成であればきょじゅうざんを耐えることができ、リリバ持ちとわかった場合には命中不安のじゃれつくを強要でき、外した場合にはオーロンゲがもう1回壁を貼ったりでんじはをばら撒いたりできます。
ちょっと恥ずかしいですが、明らかに正解は耐久振りじゃくてんほけんリザードンでした。Rinya Sunの主な強みはキョダイゴクエンの定数ダメージです。じゃくてんほけんはこのプレイスタイルに合っており、リザードンが倒されにくいことで、相手に択を押し付けることができます。相手はリザードンを弱点攻撃ですばやく処理するか、火力の低さを突いてバークアウトやひかりのかべなどでダイマックスを枯らすかしなければなりません。リザードン使いは壁・ダイマックス・晴れ天候・よびみず・デバフなどでリザードンを守ったり、ダイジェットで味方のすばやさを上げることでこれらを回避します。
ここまでがSCLのチーム戦でプレイし始めたところまでです。チームメイトに詳細を公開し、いろいろ試しているうちにランクバトルで1位になりました。最終的に、尊敬している2人のプレイヤーがこのパーティを試してくれました。Chongjun (@ChongjunVGC)とCiemmelle (@Ciemmelle_VGC)です。メインとなる部分を自分が作成し、皆でフローチャートを作成したり構成を煮詰めました。どこか変更できるところがないかをテストしたかったので、Rinya Sunのためのチャンネルを作ったりもしました。
- 素早さに努力値を4しか割いていないとても耐久の高いザシアンの採用
- ザシアンのじゃれつくはせいなるつるぎよりも優先
- リザードンのげんしのちからはねっぷうよりも優先
- グラードンの火力を素早さに回した
- ぼうぎょを高めたリリバのみオーロンゲは壁がなくてもきょじゅうざんを耐えられる
私はCelebi Cupと呼ばれる@Alexis_Vgc主催のイタリアの非公式大会に参加しました。この大会はRise of Mythicalsと呼ばれる大きな大会の一部です。この大会を10勝1敗の成績で優勝し、唯一の負けもスイスラウンドの最終戦で夕食を食べるために降参したものでした。2-1だった決勝戦を除き勝った試合はすべて2-0でした。この優勝によって構築がBO3でもBO1でも強いことが保証されました。(Battlefyリンク)
- ザシアンのソーラーブレード→でんこうせっか
- トリトドンのれいとうビーム→こごえるかぜ

じんばいったい | ![]() |
きあいのタスキ | |
おくびょう | |
176(4)-*-100-217(252)-120-222(252) | |
まもる/アストラルビット バークアウト/おにび |
ふとうのけん | ![]() |
くちたけん | |
いじっぱり | |
199(252)-210(4)-146(84)-*-155(156)-170(12) | |
まもる/きょじゅうざん じゃれつく/でんこうせっか |
ひでり | ![]() |
とつげきチョッキ | |
いじっぱり | |
205(236)-198(76)-161(4)-*-118(60)-127(132) | |
だんがいのつるぎ/ストーンエッジ ヒートスタンプ/シャドークロー |
サンパワー | ![]() |
じゃくてんほけん | |
おくびょう | |
185(252)-*-103(36)-130(4)-116(84)-150(132) | |
まもる/ブラストバーン ぼうふう/げんしのちから |
- C202カイオーガの雨しおふきがH252D36振りリザードンに350~414ダメージ(68.8%で倒される)
- C202カイオーガの雨しおふきがH252D84振りリザードンに330~390ダメージ(31.3%で倒される)
いたずらごころ | ![]() |
リリバのみ | |
しんちょう | |
200(236)-141(4)-111(204)-*-111(44)-83(20) | |
ソウルクラッシュ/リフレクター ひかりのかべ/でんじは |
よびみず | ![]() |
オボンのみ | |
おだやか | |
218(252)-*-103(116)-112-132(140)-48 ※S個体値8 | |
まもる/だいちのちから こごえるかぜ/あくび |
- ランクバトルシーズン34:45勝8敗で最終11位(レート1926)
- Celebi Cup(イタリアの非公式大会):優勝
- ここまでのプロジェクトに貢献してくれたCiemmelle (@Ciemmelle_VGC)とChongjun (@ChongjunVGC)
- Rinya Sunを生み出したリンヤ(@gozira2004)さん
- Alister Sandover (@vivalavlade) もし彼が教えてくれなければ、彼のPJCS2021予選通過の構築記事から多くを得ることはなかったでしょう。とても詳細に書かれているので、読んでみることをお勧めします。
- 最後に、ともに素晴らしい時間を過ごしたTokyo Thundersのチームメイトたち。最高です!
読んでくれてありがとうございます! 🙇
レンタルチームID: 0000 0003 CH68 Y7
High School Student || Tokyo Thunders || Rinya Sun ❤
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0003 CH68 Y7
Hi! This is Kotomi (@apronvgc).
I started playing Pokémon during the pandemic when I decided to buy my first mainline game, Pokémon Shield (I had played Pokémon Go previously lol). I discovered VGC not so long after and instantly fell in love. Since then I have mostly stayed on ladder and in teamtours rarely competing in online or irl tours. Just recently I played my first ever irl tour during the London Open which was an incredible experience. In the future, I’d like to compete more and do well!
In this team report I’d like to go through the teambuilding process more so than the individual Pokémon and their roles as I think those are pretty self-explanatory (though some of them will be covered in the teambuilding process itself).
Teambuilding Process
First, a little background before I get into the S13 teambuilding. I had played Rinya Sun for most of the final month of S12 which eventually led up to Worlds. I ended up bringing Rinya to the London Open, where I went 6–3 and earnt my first ever CP.
London Open Paste: https://pokepast.es/ecd8930084dc0556
First Draft
My first impression of S13 was that it would have a hyper offensive metagame. The rules allow you to freely use as many restricteds as you want. At first sight this looked like it would be a hyper offense format where teams that looked like Whimsicott + 5 restricteds or Regieleki would dominate. I had basically given up on the format and decided to play the alternative community picked format: Spikemuth Cup.
During this time I had signed up as a manager for a league called SCL, this league had 2 formats that would be played: S13 and Spikemuth Cup. I had already played a lot of Spikemuth at this point, but I wanted to get proficient in S13 in order to help my team as much as possible. I didn’t have a team yet, so I decided to grab the team I was most comfortable with that being Rinya Sun. To adapt it to S13 though, I straight up swapped out Incineroar for Calyrex-Shadow and the Charizard set to the classic Life Orb variant.
The reasoning behind replacing Incineroar for Calyrex-Shadow was initially just “I don’t want to be the guy running 2 restricteds in S13 ‘’, and to me replacing Incineroar for Calyrex-Shadow felt the most natural. It was a great addition to the team as it fits in naturally well with Rinya’s gameplans. It’s able to slow down the pace and disrupt the opponents in the early game in order to create a favourable game-state for the late Dynamax or able to take advantage from Wildfire Residual and airstream boosts to clean the endgame.
Life Orb Charizard just felt like the natural choice for me as the format had become a lot stronger. I felt like Weakness Policy Charizard would be overwhelmed quickly and too weak to really make a dent into these Pokémon with massive BST’s.
I was able to reach top 100 on the ladder with this version which was decent but I had noticed some flaws.
The Flaws and Solutions with the main concept
Some Key Points:
- The first really noticeable flaw to me was the Grimmsnarl set. It had worked wonders on my S12 version, but it did feel lackluster here. Incineroar not being on my team meant that opposing Zacian could reliably target Grimmsnarl and safely remove it, which was always at worst a 1 for 1 trade for the opponent as Grimmsnarl itself could not do anything to Zacian. The S13 ruleset meant that every team had Zacian as there was no real merit in not running it so this was a huge issue.
Zacian is on all known T30 teams with only one exception. (Credit to @VGCpastes)
- Life Orb Charizard ended up being really underwhelming. It felt like it took a little too much damage and often found itself being in awkward positions as the opposition usually had ways to reliably out offense Charizard. Most team constructs have Pokémon like Whimsicott or Regieleki and without me having a reliable way to maintain speed control Charizard would often be in positions where it could not fire off attacks as it was in constant danger.
During Worlds 2022 I had seen the creator of Rinya, Rinya Kobayashi (@gozira2004), use Babiri Grimmsnarl at worlds so I decided to experiment with it. With this set Grimmsnarl would be able to take a Behemoth Blade, meaning the opponent had to know I was Babiri and click Play Rough risking a miss or miss out on the OHKO and let my Grimmsnarl get another screen or spread Thunder Waves.
The first thing I tried with Charizard was running resist berries like Wacan, Passho and Charti berry. The biggest problem with these items was how situational they were, it also didn’t help that strong neutral or even resisted attacks like Behemoth Blade and Max Darkness from Life Orb Yveltal were doing a ton of damage.
I am kind of embarrassed to admit because the answer should have been obvious here (and I have even run this set before): bulky Weakness Policy Charizard. The strength of Rinya is mainly its ability to effectively trade damage by abusing Charizard and its residual damage. Weakness Policy effectively encourages this playstyle by making Charizard unable to be knocked out and forcing the opponents to make a choice. They either knock out Charizard using super effective attacks and knock it out quickly, or take advantage of its relatively weak damage output and stall its Dynamax using for example Snarl or Screens. The Charizard player can circumvent this by protecting Charizard with tools like screens, Dynamax’s natural bulk, Drought and Storm Drain, or use Residual damage or Airstream stacking on offensive partners to outspeed opposing Pokémon.
Refining The Team
This is the point where I start involving my SCL Tokyo Thunders friends. I showed them the paste and rank 1 standing in order to convince them to try it out. In the end 2 other players whom I respect a lot decided to give the team a try: Chongjun (@ChongjunVGC) and Ciemmelle (@Ciemmelle_VGC). I had established the main core at this point and we were mostly mapping out flowcharts and refining sets and spreads. We wanted to test what Pokémon could be changed and messed around with so we created a channel dedicated to Rinya Sun.
Ciemmelle and Chongjun started laddering as well at this point in order to test the team. Chongjun and I were testing changing Pokémons on the team for alternatives. I wanted to test Lunala over Calyrex-Shadow as it could give my team a Trick Room mode and make the Groudon Dynamax stronger. I had read Naoto Mizobuchi (@penguin2142)’s team article, and wanted to use it as a base to incorporate the structure into my team.
This ended in complete failure, as without Incineroar, Lunala takes too much damage from every attack. Yveltal and Calyrex-Shadow’s omnipresence made it impossible to reliably set up Trick Room. Leftovers Groudon made the Grimmsnarl — Charizard mode a lot worse as Groudon isn’t meant to stay in; with AV, it’s able to take strong special hits well and pivot in and out. Groudon would usually quickly be overwhelmed before it could set up enough Bulk Ups.
The only thing that I ended up keeping from this small experiment was Calm Sitrus Gastrodon. It made a lot of sense to me to test a Calm Sitrus Berry Gastrodon set as its role is to check strong special attackers such as Palkia, Yveltal and Kyogre. The Sitrus berry essentially gives you an extra 25% HP meaning the opponent has to do 125% worth of damage in order to stop their Dynamax Pokémon from getting Yawned. Paired this with Screens, Will-O-Wisp and Snarl and Gastrodon is almost guaranteed to get some sort of value.
Ciemmelle had edited the team a lot to match his personal preferences and we exchanged pastes. I adapted a lot of things from his paste into my own paste as they made a lot of sense to me when he explained his reasoning.
- Super Bulky Zacian with only 4ev Speed investment.
Reasoning: My own Zacian spread hit 180 speed which was enough to outspeed Jolly Thundurus-Incarnate. This speed-tier was very relevant in S12 on Rinya as Thundurus was a very common Pokémon but surprisingly in S13 Thundurus was completely absent. This may have to do with the opportunity cost of running it over something like Yveltal or Regieleki. Thundurus usage being so low meant I could drop the speed down all the way to 168 as the only relevant speed-tier after this was the Base 100s that hit 167. I was always slower than opposing Zacian anyways so this gave me more EVs to invest into bulk.
- Play Rough over Sacred Sword on Zacian.
Reasoning: The only reason I had Sacred Sword on Zacian over Play Rough was because of Incineroar. Having a reliable way of hitting Incineroar was worth it as it had over 70% usage in S12. In S13 Incineroar usage was significantly less and on the contrary Babiri Grimmsnarl, Yveltal and Palkia were everywhere. The Zacian changes that had been made were the result of the way the new S13 ruleset had influenced the new metagame.
- Ancient Power over Heat Wave on Charizard.
Reasoning: With my friends playing ladder I faced them a few times in the mirror and I noticed that Ancient Power makes the matchup way better for the opponent if I don‘t have it. Heat Wave is a good move to click outside of Dynamax but outside of Sun and with only 4 Special Attack investment the damage is really pitiful. Ancient Power is also nice to chunk Ho-Oh for some damage as my only way of hitting it otherwise is just Groudon.
- More speed on Groudon in exchange for Attack investment.
Reasoning: I was really hesitant at first about this change. Often I found it scary that at times if Groudon and Kyogre switch in at the same time the Rain would go up. I decided to test the set anyways and what I found is that the negative effects are heavily outweighed by the positive ones. Usually you can tell how fast Kyogre will be by the structure of the opponents team. You see Whimsicott? It’s probably Fast or Scarf Kyogre. You see Grimmsnarl and Incineroar? It’s probably going to be slower than your 127 Speed Groudon. You basically have to adapt your playstyle in order to fit the change where you can’t always guarantee Sun vs Grimmsnarl Kyogre teams. I was able to cheese a lot of wins by outspeeding the Opposing Kyogre and attack with Max Quake as they try to Water Spout.
- PhysDef Babiri Grimmsnarl that could survive behemoth without Reflect.
Reasoning: This was probably very obvious and I should have had this to begin with. To be honest I thought Grimmsnarl couldn’t live +1 Behemoth Blade with or without investment so I just dumped EVs into Spdef.
I felt really comfortable using the team and I wanted to test it in a bo3 environment.
I ended up signing up for an Italian Grassroots tour hosted by @Alexis_Vgc called the Celebi Cup which is part of a bigger circuit called the Rise of Mythicals. I ended up winning this tour with a record of 10–1 in sets and my one loss being in the final swiss round which I ended up forfeiting to eat dinner. I won every set 2–0 except finals where I won 2–1. This win confirmed the strength of the team for me as it had succeeded in bo3 and bo1 settings. (Battlefy link)
Finishing Touches
The team had performed really well during the tournament but there were still a few things I wanted to tweak.
- Quick Attack over Solar Blade on Zacian.
- Icy Wind over Ice Beam on Gastrodon.
I always felt like Solar Blade had put in a ton of work when I used it so I never considered changing it. I talked with Chongjun about this and he was using Quick Attack Zacian. During the tournament I had felt situations where Quick Attack would be really good versus the opponent especially against Tailwind teams in particular. It would have been especially strong against Yveltal teams as after one Behemoth Blade and Life Orb chip Yveltal would be in range of quick attack denying the opponent from getting another Airstream or Darkness off. I realised that Solar Blade is a lazy way of dealing with Groudon and Kyogre whereas with good play I could achieve the same result without Solar Blade.
Lastly, I had rarely clicked Ice Beam with Gastrodon and it did not feel needed in this format. This move is really situational anyways so I decided to choose Icy Wind as this gave me another speed control option.

The Team
As One | ![]() |
Focus Sash | |
Timid | |
176(4)-*-100-217(252)-120-222(252) | |
Protect/Astral Barriage Snarl/Will-O-Wisp |
Intrepid Sword | ![]() |
Rusted Sword | |
Adamant | |
199(252)-210(4)-146(84)-*-155(156)-170(12) | |
Protect/Behemoth Blade Play Rough/Quick Attack |
Draught | ![]() |
Assault Vest | |
Adamant | |
205(236)-198(76)-161(4)-*-118(60)-127(132) | |
Precipice Blades/Stone Edge Heat Clash/Shadow Claw |
Solar Power | ![]() |
Weakness Policy | |
Timid | |
185(252)-*-103(36)-130(4)-116(84)-150(132) | |
Protect/Blast Burn Hurricane/Ancient Power |
Note: I swapped the Spdef and Def on Charizard in order to cheese Scarf Kyogre. This is not really an impactful change and usually you do not want to be in a position where you take a full power Kyogre Water Spout in rain.
Damage CALCS for reference:
- 252 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 36 SpD Dynamax Charizard in Rain: 350–414 (94.5–111.8%) — 68.8% chance to OHKO
- 252 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 84 SpD Dynamax Charizard in Rain: 330–390 (89.1–105.4%) — 31.3% chance to OHKO
Prankster | ![]() |
Babiri Berry | |
Careful | |
200(236)-141(4)-111(204)-*-111(44)-83(20) | |
Sprit Break/Reflect Light Screen/Thunder Wave |
Storm Drain | ![]() |
Sitrus Berry | |
Calm | |
218(252)-*-103(116)-112-132(140)-48 * 8 Spe IVs | |
Protect/Earth Power Icy Wind/Yawn |
Results I was able to attain with this team:
- 11th place finish on the Cartridge Ladder with a 45–8 record. (1926 rating)
- Winning an Italian Grassroots Tour: Celebi Cup.
I sincerely want to thank you if you have made it this far into the report. I wanted to show my teambuilding thought process as I personally feel that team reports that only go over individual Pokémon sets and what they do are very uninteresting to me. S14 has just been announced and Scarlet and Violet are right around the corner so I will omit from making matchup explanations as this format will end soon and this report is already far too long.
I hope you found my report useful and were able to learn from it!🙇🙇🙇
- I would like to give a special thanks to Ciemmelle (@Ciemmelle_VGC) and Chongjun (@ChongjunVGC) as they were the ones that contributed by far the most to this project.
- Rinya Kobayashi (@gozira2004) for inventing Rinya Sun.
- Alister Sandover (@vivalavlade) if you couldn’t tell I took a lot of inspiration from his JCS Qualifier Team Article. I recommend everyone to read this team article as it is really well written and detailed.
- Lastly I want to thank my Tokyo Thunders teammates as well who have been a great time to be around, you guys are all goats!
Thank you for reading! 🙇
Rental Team ID: 0000 0003 CH68 Y7
High School Student || Tokyo Thunders || Rinya Sun ❤