レンタルチームID: 0000 0007 4L8L 4N
初めまして!私の名前はSantino Tarquinio(@supah_santi)で、Santiという名前でも知られています。私は北米のVGCプレイヤーで、今まで約4年ほどプレイしています。Pokémon Players Cup Iの優勝者として最もよく知られています。
今回は、先日行われたGlobal Challenge 2021 Winterで最終30位となったパーティを紹介します。最終結果は28勝10敗のレート1755で、北アメリカ地域でTOP4に入ったと信じています。
この構築は、Nick Navarre(@NailsOU)がPokémon Players Cup II Global Finalsで使用し、TOP6になったパーティから着想を得ました。
Here's the team I used in the Players Cup Finals!
I'll be releasing a team report on @adisubra's youtube channel soon, watch out for it. pic.twitter.com/wvIyVD19jo
— Nails (@NailsOU) December 11, 2020
そうしょく | ![]() |
オボンのみ | |
なまいき | |
207(252)-55-105(36)-*-140(220)-49 ※A個体値0、S個体値0 | |
うたう/ほろびのうた アクアジェット/まもる |
- C167レジエレキの10まんボルトが182~216ダメージ(87.9~104.3%)の低乱数1発(18.8%)
- A182ウーラオスのあんこくきょうだ(急所)が59~70ダメージ(28.5~33.8%)で、超高乱数3発耐え
- A182ウーラオスのこだわりハチマキ+あんこくきょうだ(急所)が88~104ダメージ(42.5%~50.2%)で、超高乱数2発耐え
かげふみ | ![]() |
きあいのタスキ | |
なまいき | |
177(252)-*-124(68)-*-169(188)-63 ※S個体値0 | |
てだすけ/ねこだまし トリックルーム/まもる |
- A136ガオガエンのフレアドライブが75~88ダメージ(42.3~49.7%)で、確定3発
- A1段階下降のA136ガオガエンのDDラリアットが72~86ダメージ(40.6%~48.5%)で、確定3発
いかく | ![]() |
シュカのみ | |
わんぱく | |
201(244)-136(4)-125(28)-*-128(140)-92(92) | |
フレアドライブ/ねこだまし すてゼリフ/まもる |
- A1段階下降のA216霊獣ランドロスのダイアースがシュカのみ込みで84~100ダメージ(41.7~49.7%)
- C216レイスポスのいのちのたま+てだすけダイアースがシュカのみ込みで169~200ダメージ(84~99.5%)の確定耐え
しろのいななき | ![]() |
ラムのみ | |
いじっぱり | |
207(252)-216(252)-150-*-131(4)-35 ※S個体値0 | |
つららおとし/10まんばりき インファイト/まもる |
じょうききかん | ![]() |
じゃくてんほけん | |
おくびょう | |
185-*-140-132(252)-111(4)-90(252) | |
ねっぷう/メテオビーム だいちのちから/まもる |
グラスメイカー | ![]() |
きせきのタネ | |
いじっぱり | |
192(132)-190(220)-114(28)-*-91(4)-121(124) | |
グラススライダー/ウッドハンマー ねこだまし/まもる |
- H177-B136カプ・レヒレに対してグラスフィールド+きせきのタネ込みグラススライダーが174~206ダメージ(98.3~116.3%)で、87.5%で1発
- H352-B81ダイマックスレイスポスに対してきせきのタネ+てだすけ込みキョダイコランダが372~438ダメージ(105.6%~124.4%)で確定1発
- H352-B81ダイマックスレイスポスに対してグラスフィールド+きせきのタネ込みキョダイコランダが331~390ダメージ(94%~110.7%)で、62.5%で1発(いのちのたまの反動ダメージ込みで確定)
- A182ウーラオスのこだわりハチマキ+あんこくきょうだ(急所)が163~193ダメージ(84.8~100.5%)で、93.8%で耐える
- A136ガオガエンのフレアドライブが162~192ダメージ(84.3~100%)で、93.8%で耐える










このレポートを最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございます。楽しんでもらえたなら嬉しいです。Global Challengeではベストな結果を出すことができて満足しています。
それでは、シリーズ8環境と、Players Cup IIIの地域大会でまたお会いしましょう!✌️
レンタルチームID: 0000 0007 4L8L 4N
24, he/him. Penn State alum. Pokemon VGC Player’s Cup I Champion.
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0007 4L8L 4N
Hello everyone! My name is Santino Tarquinio (@supah_santi), otherwise known as Santi, and I am a VGC player from North America. I have been playing VGC for about four years now, and I am most notably known as the winner of the Pokémon Players Cup I.
Today I will be going over the team that I used to place 30th in the most recent 2021 January International Challenge, otherwise known as the Players Cup III Online Qualifier. My final record with the team was 28-10 and I achieved a final rating of 1755, which I believe puts me at 4th place in the North American region for the tournament.
Teambuilding Process
My inspiration first came from the team Nick Navarre (@NailsOU) used to achieve Top 6 in the Pokémon Players Cup II Global Finals.
Here's the team I used in the Players Cup Finals!
I'll be releasing a team report on @adisubra's youtube channel soon, watch out for it. pic.twitter.com/wvIyVD19jo
— Nails (@NailsOU) December 11, 2020
I was most intrigued by his Glastrier and Dusclops sets. Nick recognized the two most common ways players would play around Glastrier. The first was by defensively cycling Pokémon in and out to resist Glastrier’s powerful max moves under Trick Room, and the second was cycling Pokémon with the Intimidate ability. His solution was a Glastrier holding a White Herb and a Dusclops knowing Bind to trap in opponents, allowing Glastrier to attack into Pokémon without fear of its targets switching, nor having its attack lowered. I wanted to try a similar approach, only with a different tool: Shadow Tag.
Gothitelle is the only Pokémon with Shadow Tag that is capable of setting Trick Room, making it an excellent substitute for Dusclops despite its inferior bulk.
The idea was to pair Gothitelle with an Incineroar to aid in setting Trick Room, then Incineroar could pivot into Glastrier so it could start wreaking havoc next to Gothitelle. Glastrier could fire off large amounts of damage into slots incapable of dancing around its attacks, making the most of its power and Dynamax turns. Additionally, opponents could not cycle their own Intimidate Pokémon until after Glastrier already took a knockout, or until Gothitelle was removed from the field.
From here, I knew I wanted a Perish Song user to further compliment Shadow Tag. Azumarill stood out as the best user of the move thanks to its fantastic bulk, typing, and Sap Sipper ability. The aqua rabbit also learned Aqua Jet, which made it capable of activating the mighty Gigantamax Coalossal’s Weakness Policy and Steam Engine. Coalossal is another powerful user of Dynamax that could give the team a fast mode so it did not have to rely solely on Trick Room. The Coalossal and Azumarill combination also gave the team a more flexible lead option; either you have Azumarill use Aqua Jet into Coalossal to activate its stat boosts, or you switch out the Coalossal for Gothitelle and trap the opponent in before using Perish Song with Azumarill.
Gigantamax Rillaboom was then added to round out the team’s offenses and type coverage while also providing additional Fake Out support and gradual recovery through Grassy Terrain.
With the final six assembled, the team became much more focused on winning games through Azumarill and Perish Song. The team’s primary game plan revolves around taking two knockouts quickly, either with Dynamax Glastrier or Gigantamax Coalossal, and then using Perish Song to take down the opponent’s remaining two Pokémon. Alternatively, you can Perish Song and trap the opponent’s first two Pokémon with Gothitelle and Azumarill, and then finish the game with your Dynamax Pokémon of choice. The latter mode is preferred when the opponent’s plan is to stall out your Dynamax with bulky support Pokémon and stat debuffs.
A similar composition was piloted in Series 5 by a Chinese player known as Jolly Breloom, which gave me further confidence that these six Pokémon would work well together.
The team
Sap Slipper | ![]() |
Sitrus Berry | |
Sassy | |
207(252)-55-105(36)-*-140(220)-49 *0 Atk IV, 0 Spe IV | |
Sing/Perish Song Aqua Jet/Protect |
Azumarill and its Perish Song are the centerpiece of the team; it is brought to almost every match for this reason. Its combination of great bulk, typing, and Sap Sipper lets it stick around throughout the duration of a match. This is important considering that successful endgames are usually reliant on Azumarill. Shrugging off attacks from both Urshifu variants is especially important considering their ability to hit Azumarill through Protect. Sitrus Berry was chosen over a pinch berry due to the higher rate of activation; the extra 8% recovery is not worth it.
Aqua Jet is used to activate the Weakness Policy and Steam Engine on Coalossal, which in turn takes the knockouts needed to set up for Perish Song later in the match. Sing is a move that while inconsistent, can push the game largely in the team’s favor should it find its mark. It was partially chosen over Helping Hand due to Sing having more use when Azumarill is on the field next to Gothitelle or Incineroar.
Defensive Damage Calculations:
- 252+ SpA Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 220+ SpD Azumarill: 182-216 (87.9 – 104.3%) — 18.8% chance to OHKO
- 252 Atk Urshifu-Single-Strike Wicked Blow vs. 252 HP / 36 Def Azumarill on a critical hit: 59-70 (28.5 – 33.8%) — 1.1% chance to 3HKO
- 252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Single-Strike Wicked Blow vs. 252 HP / 36 Def Azumarill on a critical hit: 88-104 (42.5 – 50.2%) — 0.4% chance to 2HKO
Shadow Tag | ![]() |
Focus Sash | |
Sassy | |
177(252)-*-124(68)-*-169(188)-63 *0 Spe IV | |
Helping Hand/Fake Out Trick Room/Protect |
Dusclops and Porygon2 may outshine Gothitelle with their impressive bulk and sustainability, but Gothitelle has one thing they do not: Shadow Tag. When coupled with Perish Song, Gothitelle is capable of trapping and removing Pokémon simply by staying on the field. This lets the team take advantage of bulkier teams and leads that cannot knock out Gothitelle fast enough. Focus Sash was crucial in letting Gothitelle survive huge attacks; it needed to take both Max Phantasm from Spectrier and Wicked Blow from Single Strike Urshifu.
Additionally, Shadow Tag lets the already terrifying Glastrier become an absolute menace under Trick Room. Preventing switching means you not only stop Intimidate cycling, but it also means you are free to fire off safe max moves into slots with almost no drawbacks. Helping Hand further compounds the damage that can be dealt and allows for swifter knockouts, which is important given the limited number of Trick Room turns and the fact Glastrier is not holding an attack-boosting item. Helping Hand was chosen over an offensive move such as Psychic for this reason.
Defensive Damage Calculations:
- 4 Atk Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 68 Def Gothitelle: 75-88 (42.3 – 49.7%) — guaranteed 3HKO
- -1 4 Atk Incineroar Darkest Lariat vs. 252 HP / 68 Def Gothitelle: 72-86 (40.6 – 48.5%) — guaranteed 3HKO
Intimidate | ![]() |
Shuca Berry | |
Impish | |
201(244)-136(4)-125(28)-*-128(140)-92(92) | |
Flare Blitz/Fake Out Parting Shot/Protect |
Incineroar has an incredible set of qualities that make it well suited for supporting not only Trick Room setup but Perish Song endgames as well. Fake Out, Intimidate, and Parting Shot are all excellent disruption tools that help momentum while also debuffing the opponent. Protect was an especially good option considering most players do not expect Incineroar to be capable of protecting itself.
Incineroar is trained faster than most Incineroar in order to get the faster Fake Outs outside of Trick Room and the slower Parting Shots inside Trick Room, as well as outspeeding max speed Amoonguss. Shuca Berry on Incineroar allows for much better matchups into Venusaur and opposing Glastrier, which are both Pokémon that rely on Max Quake to remove Incineroar quickly.
Defensive Damage Calculations:
- -1 252+ Atk Landorus-Therian Max Quake vs. 244 HP / 28+ Def Shuca Berry Incineroar: 84-100 (41.7 – 49.7%) — guaranteed 3HKO
- 252 SpA Life Orb Spectrier Helping Hand Max Strike vs. 244 HP / 140 SpD Incineroar: 169-200 (84 – 99.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Chilling Neigh | ![]() |
Lum Berry | |
Adamant | |
207(252)-216(252)-150-*-131(4)-35 *0 Spe IV | |
Icicle Crash/High Horsepower Close Combat/Protect |
One of the scariest users of Dynamax in the format. Glastrier is the best Trick Room sweeper available thanks to its incredible offense power, stunningly good bulk, and its ability to snowball Attack boosts through Chilling Neigh. When paired next to Gothitelle and its Shadow Tag, Glastrier can attack freely into slots with no prediction required. With the combination of Chilling Neigh, Helping Hand, and Shadow Tag, Glastrier is more than capable of taking two knockouts and paving the way for Azumarill to come in and seal up games with Perish Song.
Considering Glastrier carries most of the team’s offense when it is brought, it cannot afford to be incapacitated by sleep or burn. For this reason, I believe Lum Berry is the best item for Glastrier if Misty Terrain is absent from a team. Some teams rely solely on burning Glastrier as their only way of beating it. An Adamant nature was chosen over Brave so it could outspeed opposing Brave Glastrier outside of Trick Room, while still being slow enough in Trick Room.
Steam Engine | ![]() |
Weakness Policy | |
Timid | |
185-*-140-132(252)-111(4)-90(252) | |
Heat Wave/Meteor Beam Earth Power/Protect |
One of my favorite Pokémon to use in tournaments. A Weakness Policy boost combined with Steam Engine’s 4x speed multiplier and a devastating 140 base power G-Max Volcalith make Coalossal one of the most terrifying sweepers in the entire format. Rock and Fire are two especially good offensive types that pair well together. While not the star of the team, its role is to take knockouts quickly through its tremendous power and Volcalith residual damage, paving the way for either Azumarill or Rillaboom to clean up in the late game. Earth Power feels more necessary in Series 7 due to the popularity of Nihilego and Heatran. A Timid nature was chosen to outspeed as many Pokémon in Tailwind as possible, given the huge variety of Pokémon encountered in an International Challenge.
Grassy Surge | ![]() |
Miracle Seed | |
Adamant | |
192(132)-190(220)-114(28)-*-91(4)-121(124) | |
Grassy Glide/Wood Hammer Fake Out/Protect |
The glue that holds the team together. It is the perfect offensive partner for Coalossal and takes care of any Water, Ground, or Rock-types that stand in its way. Additionally, Rillaboom supports the team during Perish Song endgames through Fake Out support and gradual recovery granted by Grassy Terrain. Finally, it is capable of Gigantamaxing and taking a more offensive role against some Pokémon more problematic for the team such as Spectrier and Nihilego. The crazy power of G-Max Drum Solo in Grassy Terrain lets it cleanly deal with these threats; the G-Max move even ignores Friend Guard!
Protect was required on Rillaboom due to Perish Song’s role on the team, so a Miracle Seed was chosen to give Rillaboom’s attacks extra “oomph” while still letting it protect itself. The HP stat was chosen to optimize the amount of hit points Rillaboom recovers through Grassy Terrain, while the speed stat was chosen to outspeed the common Tapu Fini when Misty Terrain is active.
Offensive Damage Calculations:
- 220+ Atk Miracle Seed Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tapu Fini in Grassy Terrain: 174-206 (98.3 – 116.3%) — 87.5% chance to OHKO
- 220+ Atk Miracle Seed Rillaboom-Gmax Helping Hand Wood Hammer vs. 4 HP / 4 Def Dynamax Spectrier in Grassy Terrain: 372-438 (105.6 – 124.4%) — guaranteed OHKO
- 220+ Atk Miracle Seed Rillaboom-Gmax G-Max Drum Solo vs. 4 HP / 4 Def Dynamax Spectrier in Grassy Terrain: 331-390 (94 – 110.7%) — 62.5% chance to OHKO (KOs after Life Orb recoil)
Defensive Damage Calculations:
- 252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Single-Strike Wicked Blow vs. 132 HP / 28 Def Rillaboom on a critical hit: 163-193 (84.8 – 100.5%) — 6.3% chance to OHKO
- 4 Atk Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 132 HP / 28 Def Rillaboom: 162-192 (84.3 – 100%) — 6.3% chance to OHKO
Common Leads
Example 1


The standard Trick Room lead. Use Fake Out to set up Trick Room and get Glastrier in as soon as you can. Incineroar can pivot out to the mighty horse if chosen as the lead. Gothitelle + Rillaboom is a more offensive option that should be led if the opponent has Spectrier. Rillaboom can knock out Dynamax Spectrier with a Helping Hand boosted Wood Hammer in Grassy Terrain, which can be performed if Rillaboom is still on the field when Trick Room goes up. If Clefairy and Spectrier are led, Fake Out the Clefairy with Gothitelle and G-Max Drum Solo the Spectrier for a knockout. G-Max Drum Solo the Clefairy the following turn and then bring in Azumarill for the cleanup.
Example 2


The fast mode. You can either go straight for the Coalossal setup, or you can swap out Coalossal to a more defensive Pokémon and use Perish Song or Sing with Azumarill. If the opponent leads with a bulky duo of Pokémon in hopes of reducing Coalossal’s damage output, swap to Gothitelle and go for the easy Perish trap. Incineroar should always be brought if Landorus-Therian or Glastrier are present on the opponent’s team. The best way to deal with Landorus-Therian is to stall out its Dynamax with Azumarill, Incineroar, and Rillaboom before setting up Coalossal.
Example 3


A less common that comes out under specific circumstances. It is the perfect lead vs Venusaur and Torkoal; Fake Out the Torkoal as you fire off a Max Hailstorm into Venusaur. Glastrier does not care about Sleep Powder. You can then Max Quake the Torkoal the following turn for a double knock out. This is also the ideal lead versus Hard Trick Room oriented teams, as well as teams centered around Chansey. I would not recommend this lead if Incineroar is present on the opponent’s team.
Example 4


A more reactionary lead that allows for repositioning based on what the opponent chooses to do. Incineroar can either Fake Out to give Azumarill a chance to Sing a Pokémon sleep, or it can Parting Shot out into Gothitelle while Azumarill goes for Perish Song. Either Glastrier or Coalossal can work as the Dynamax Pokémon depending on the opponent’s team.
Difficult Matchups
Terrakion + Dragapult

If the Dragapult is holding Focus Sash, things become incredibly difficult. The safest option is to lead Coalossal + Azumarill and Max Quake the Terrakion slot. That should put it in range of Grassy Glide the following turn; however, you then have to call an Ally Switch from Dragapult. Only attack Dragapult on Turn 1 if you are confident it does not have the Focus Sash.
Spectrier with Taunt
Taunt from Spectrier shuts down Trick Room setups easily, and Coalossal is unreliable if they are offensive with Mud Shot. You can lead Coalossal into Spectrier if you are confident they are support oriented and do not have Mud Shot. Otherwise, lead Gothitelle and Rillaboom and prepare to Gigantamax the monkey if need be.
Kingdra + Politoed with Celesteela

This matchup is all about calling their lead. The combination of Kingdra and Politoed ruin Coalossal, while a Dynamax Celesteela can make it tough for Glastrier to sweep.
You have two options; go for the Coalossal speed tie or set up Trick Room and power through their Coalossal with Max Quakes from Glastrier. Coalossal + Azumarill is the better lead against Coalossal and Dragapult. Most Coalossal appear to be Modest nature nowadays, so going for the “speed tie” may work out should they lead Coalossal and an Aqua Jet user.
Thank you very much for making it to the end of this report; I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! This was my best International Challenge performance to date and I am immensely proud of my tournament run. This team is a lot of fun to use and I hope you can give it a try for yourself in the little time we have remaining in Series 7. See you in Series 8 for the Players Cup III Regional Qualifiers! ✌️
Rental Team ID: 0000 0007 4L8L 4N
24, he/him. Penn State alum. Pokemon VGC Player’s Cup I Champion.