レンタルチームID: 0000 0006 9J51 PG
いくつかの私の実績は、短期間の間に非公式大会で何回かトップカットに進出したり、North American Players Cup 3 regional qualifierでトップ16に入ったりしました。

ふかしのこぶし | ![]() |
きあいのタスキ | |
ようき | |
176(4)-182(252)-120-*-80-163(252) | |
みきり/インファイト すいりゅうれんだ/アクアジェット |
じょうききかん | ![]() |
じゃくてんほけん | |
ひかえめ | |
192(52)-*-144(28)-143(236)-111(4)-74(188) | |
メテオビーム/だいちのちから ねっぷう/まもる |
- A182れんげきウーラオスのすいりゅうれんだ急所(3発)がダイマックス状態で324~396ダメージ(84.3~103.1%)で、約93.7%で耐える
グラスメイカー | ![]() |
きせきのタネ | |
いじっぱり | |
192(132)-194(252)-111(4)-*-97(52)-114(68) | |
ねこだまし/まもる とんぼがえり/グラススライダー |
くろのいななき | ![]() |
ぼうじんゴーグル | |
おくびょう | |
185(76)-*-105(196)-166(4)-107(52)-190(180) | |
シャドーボール/おにび バークアウト/ちょうはつ |
- A182いちげきウーラオス(やけど状態)のあんこくきょうだ急所が118~141ダメージ(63.7~76.2%)
- C152レジエレキのダイサンダー(威力130)が156〜184ダメージ(84.3~99.4%)で確定耐え
- A194ゴリランダーのおはなのおこう+グラスフィールド補正込みのグラススライダーが114~135ダメージ(61.6~72.9%)
ビーストブースト | ![]() |
とつげきチョッキ | |
ひかえめ | |
177(36)-*-124(4)-165(180)-126(36)-113(252) | |
メテオビーム/かえんほうしゃ ラスターカノン/エアスラッシュ |
- C152レジエレキのじしゃく補正込みの10まんボルトが150~176ダメージ(84.7~99.4%)で確定耐え
- C152レジエレキのじしゃく補正込みのダイサンダー(威力130)がダイマックス状態で212~252ダメージ(59.8~71.1%)で確定耐え
- C167レジエレキの持ち物補正なし10まんボルトが134~162ダメージ(75.7~91.5%)で確定耐え
- C167レジエレキのいのちのたま補正込みのダイサンダー(威力130)がダイマックス状態で252~299ダメージ(71.1~84.4%)で確定耐え
いたずらごころ | ![]() |
こうこうのしっぽ | |
しんちょう | |
199(228)-141(4)-103(140)-*-121(116)-83(20) | |
トリック/ソウルクラッシュ ちょうはつ/うそなき |
- C167レジエレキのいのちのたま補正込みの10まんボルトが136~161ダメージ(68.3~80.9%)で確定耐え
- C143カプ・レヒレのムーンフォースが128~152ダメージ(64.3~76.3%)で確定耐え
- C152フシギバナのヘドロばくだんが128~152ダメージ(64.3~76.3%)で確定耐え
- C167フシギバナのヘドロばくだんが140~168ダメージ(70.3~84.4%)で確定耐え
- A205メタグロス(やけど状態)の+2アイアンヘッドが180~213ダメージ(90.4~107%)で、56.3%で耐える
- A205メタグロス(やけど状態)のダイスチルが145~172ダメージ(72.8~86.4%)で確定耐え

VS ポリゴン2/オーロンゲ/ブリザポス


VS トゲキッス/ピッピ + レジエレキ/レイスポス


VS ポリゴン2/フシギバナ/コータス


VS メタグロス/エンテイ/オーロンゲ

このパーティがてるチャレ#10で私が使ったものです。私の友達がこのパーティに少しだけ変更を加えたものを使ってVR Qualifier 2でTop8、VR Qualifier 3で準優勝という結果を残しています。ゴリランダーを少し防御寄りの配分にし、オーロンゲの配分が少し違うものでした。しかしながら、基本的な立ち回りはここに記載したものと全く同じです。
素晴らしいサポートをしてくれた、Business Time Buildingのグループの友人たちに感謝を述べて締め括りたいと思います。彼らのフィードバックはパーティの調整をする中でとても役に立ちました。また、自分自身でセキタンザンを回して、セキタンザンのダメージ計算に協力してくれた友人のAbhayにも感謝します。
レンタルチームID: 0000 0006 9J51 PG
🥶 “Jones is a starter” 🇨🇦
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0006 9J51 PG
Hi, my name is NJ11 (@IsAStarter), I’m a relatively new player who began playing in the middle of the 2020 season.
Some of my accomplishments in this short span of playing include multiple top cuts in grassroots events and a Top 16 finish in the North American Players Cup 3 regional qualifier.
Team Building Process
Towards the end of Series 7 in January, one of the main things I noticed was the rise in usage of redirection + attackers/set-up cores utilizing Amoongus, Togekiss, and Clefairy as well as bulkier teams that used Grimmsnarl, Tapu Fini, Porygon2, and Glastrier as their base. With Series 9 I expected the metagame to pick up right where things left off and so I wanted to try and construct a team that focused on creating match-up problems for the aforementioned Pokémon.
I noticed that Celesteela coupled with Grimmsnarl had a very good amount of synergy across their typing and role. Both of these Pokémon were able to break teams down while simultaneously enabling Celesteela to snowball with Max Moves like Steelspike/Airstream coupled with the ability Beast Boost and Fake Tears support from Grimmsnarl. Essentially Celesteela was able to blitz slower paced bulky teams while punishing set up and redirectors while Grimmsnarl was able to severally reduce the threat of Pokémon like Regieleki, Spectrier, opposing Coalossal, etc… with an early game trick lagging tail.
From here I chose to integrate a Coalossal mode of my own because it added another oppressive mode that had to be respected at the lead. It also naturally covers a ton of threats that Celesteela doesn’t appreciate or has a tough time breaking. In addition, Rillaboom and Urshifu-Rapid-Strike which are both generally supporting Coalossal also serve as excellent end game Pokémon to capitalize on weakened teams.
From here the last slot was very difficult to decide on. I added Dragapult initially as a secondary way to enable Coalossal but it just ended up being one-dimensional and didn’t add enough flexibility. Ultimately, I chose to incorporate a supportive Spectrier because it coupled very well with Grimmsnarl as a more controlled lead that can Will-O-Wisp and Snarl to disrupt teams while also having the offensive versatility to keep teams honest with Shadow Ball/Max Phantasm with Fake Tears support. Moreover, that added ability to Dynamax also meant that Rillaboom and Urshifu were able to capitalize on the defense drops Spectrier could generate while it was snowballing in the early game if left unchecked. The Safety Goggles item on Spectrier in conjunction with Coalossal and trick Grimmsnarl also formed a strong trio to combat sun teams which could otherwise be tricky to navigate with just Coalossal alone.
Overall, I was happy with the way the team turned out, it was very fun to build, play, and watch!

The Team
Unseen Fist | ![]() |
Focus Sash | |
Jolly | |
176(4)-182(252)-120-*-80-163(252) | |
Detect/Close Combat Surging Strikes/Aqua Jet |
Simple set. 252/252 for the most possible speed and power and the Focus Sash item for versatility to set up Coalossal. Urshifu’s most common role on this team was acting as a late game sweeping Pokémon alongside Rillaboom. I was happy with Urshifu’s flexibility to function with both Coalossal and Celesteela modes of the team.
Steam Engine | ![]() |
Weakness Policy | |
Modest | |
192(52)-*-144(28)-143(236)-111(4)-74(188) | |
Meteor Beam/Earth Power Heat Wave/Protect |
One of the building blocks of the team. Coalossal was very crucial as a complimentary piece to Celesteela because it offered immediate pressure as well as damage over time with the G-Max Volcalith effect.
This spread was particular, the speed was enough to outpace other bulky Coalossal that like to hit 73 by 1 point at 74. I also ran 52 HP evs and 28 Def evs because these numbers make it so that Urshifu Rapid Strike only has a 6.3% chance to KO Coalossal when it’s at full health. The bulk also made taking priority moves easier, so the bulk was very useful across my games.
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 252 Atk Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 52 HP / 28 Def Dynamax Coalossal-Gmax on a critical hit: 324-396 (84.3 – 103.1%) — approx. 6.3% chance to OHKO.
Grassy Surge | ![]() |
Miracle Seed | |
Adamant | |
192(132)-194(252)-111(4)-*-97(52)-114(68) | |
Fake Out/Protect U-turn/Grassy Glide |
This move set for Rillaboom is the one I settled on before Terurun 10. I wanted Rillaboom to do as much damage as it could with it’s main move Grassy Glide. I found that the significant bulk investment I had before wasn’t really allowing it to live many attacks and it really missed the damage and knockouts without the max attack. When I changed to this set with the evs it was more simple but also more effective at fulfilling it’s role of being a damage dealer that could pivot when needed with U-Turn and apply Grassy Terrain.
Grim Neigh | ![]() |
Safety Goggles | |
Timid | |
185(76)-*-105(196)-166(4)-107(52)-190(180) | |
Shadow Ball/Will-O-Wisp Snarl/Taunt |
This Spectrier set as you can you see was very bulky. This was done mainly to maximize physical bulk with Will-O-Wisp and take common priority attacks like Grassy Glide, Aqua Jet, and Sucker Punch. Overall, the purpose of the set was to invest into bulk and speed and use Spectrier to weaken teams that like to use their Dynamax in the early game to build momentum. Safety Goggles was added to allow Spectrier to taunt through Amoonguss and Trick Room leads while also being able to check Venusaur and Porygon2.
Overall, this was an important complementary piece that held the team together. I liked being able to weaken things like Urshifu as well it made it easier to play. Also, this set was also able to take non-item/non-nature boosted Max Lightning from Regieleki which was helpful a few times in games.
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 252 Atk burned Urshifu-Single Strike Wicked Blow vs. 76 HP / 196 Def Spectrier on a critical hit: 118-141 (63.7 – 76.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO.
- 252 SpA Transistor Regieleki Max Lightning (130 BP) vs. 76 HP / 52 SpD Spectrier: 156-184 (84.3 – 99.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252+ Atk Rose Incense Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. 76 HP / 196 Def Spectrier in Grassy Terrain: 114-135 (61.6 – 72.9%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
Beast Boost | ![]() |
Assault Vest | |
Modest | |
177(36)-*-124(4)-165(180)-126(36)-113(252) | |
Meteor Beam/Flamethrower Flash Cannon/Air Slash |
Celesteela was a core building piece of the team. It was responsible for breaking teams down through it’s ability to gain multiple boosts and roll through opposing leads alongside support from Grimmsnarl.
As for the investment on this set, it’s fairly straightforward, I wanted to hit the bump number in Sp.Atk. so I went with 180 EVs. After that I wanted to have enough speed at +1 to be quicker than base 100 speed Pokémon like Zapdos, Charizard, etc… I split the rest of the points between HP and Sp.def in order to have a bit more bulk alongside the Assault Vest item. This was nice for taking an attack from Regieleki in case Celesteela found itself in a spot where it had to take an attack.
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 252 SpA Magnet Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 36 HP / 36 SpD Assault Vest Celesteela: 150-176 (84.7 – 99.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 SpA Magnet Transistor Regieleki Max Lightning (130 BP) vs. 36 HP / 36 SpD Assault Vest Dynamax Celesteela: 212-252 (59.8 – 71.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252+ (No Item) SpA Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 36 HP / 36 SpD Assault Vest Celesteela: 134-162 (75.7 – 91.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252+ SpA Life Orb Transistor Regieleki Max Lightning (130 BP) vs. 36 HP / 36 SpD Assault Vest Dynamax Celesteela: 252-299 (71.1 – 84.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Prankster | ![]() |
Lagging Tail | |
Careful | |
199(228)-141(4)-103(140)-*-121(116)-83(20) | |
Trick/Sprit Break Taunt/Fake Tears |
This Grimmsnarl was mainly designed to be bulkier on the special side. I chose to do this because it’s most common partners (Celesteela and Spectrier) has ways to weaken physical damage coming via options like Max Steelspike/Will-O-Wisp. As such this set was able to take moves like Moonblast from Tapu Fini more comfortably.
Overall, this ended up making the set bulkier overall because of the aforementioned support letting this Pokémon stick around for longer and click moves all of it’s support options keeping opponents under pressure.
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 252+ SpA Life Orb Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 228 HP / 116+ SpD Grimmsnarl: 136-161 (68.3 – 80.9%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 116+ SpA Tapu Fini Moonblast vs. 228 HP / 116+ SpD Grimmsnarl: 128-152 (64.3 – 76.3%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 SpA Venusaur Sludge Bomb vs. 228 HP / 116+ SpD Grimmsnarl: 128-152 (64.3 – 76.3%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252+ SpA Venusaur Sludge Bomb vs. 228 HP / 116+ SpD Grimmsnarl: 140-168 (70.3 – 84.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- +2 252+ Atk burned Metagross Iron Head vs. 228 HP / 140 Def Grimmsnarl: 180-213 (90.4 – 107%) — 43.8% chance to OHKO
- 252+ Atk burned Metagross Max Steelspike (130 BP) vs. 228 HP / 140 Def Grimmsnarl: 145-172 (72.8 – 86.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Common Game Plans
Standard Core

When using this team, it’s important to look at the opponent’s team and pick between which mode will do more offensively in the early/late game. Based on this assessment, you pick between Celesteela or Coalossal and focus on setting them up alongside the rest of the Pokémon on the team. The key question you need to ask yourself is whether you want to utilize the support options or go for all out offence, when you have clarity there it allows you to form a more cohesive game plan around the aforementioned core.
VS Porygon2/Grimmsnarl/Glastrier


This route offers me a great response to all three Pokémon while Urshifu and Rillaboom/Spectrier allow for a strong end game/back up plan to break this popular core down. It is important to maintain the Celesteela Dynamax in order to break these Pokémon down effectively however so be careful not to waste turns otherwise you won’t be able to boost effectively.
VS Togekiss/Clefairy + Regieleki/Spectrier


This is because I can use Fake Out + Trick or Fake Out + Taunt early in games to create an opening for Celesteela to come in and Dynamax safely or I can use Rillaboom to switch around with U-Turn if my opponent tries to swap around as well. This combination allows Celesteela to set up for the end game and win after stalling out the opponents Dynamax.
VS Porygon2/Venusaur/Torkoal


I like these four here because they can react well via Trick, Taunt, and Snarl while having a strong option with Coalossal to win late in games. In this match-up the most important thing to do is neutralize the Venusaur first and then focus on getting Coalossal in safely so that it can start returning damage. Urshifu is mostly here to take care of Porygon2 so that is pressured late as well and can’t stall with recover.
VS Metagross/Entei/Grimmsnarl

When I play Metagross the main thing I want to do is find an easy way to weaken the leads right away. This is mainly done by using Urshifu and Grimmsnarl or Spectrier and Grimmsnarl. Depending on the Metagross team, you need to focus on either getting a trick onto it or burning it. Once that is done, it becomes easier to handle the rest of the team. However most players will be careful with the Metagross so you can also use Urshifu in the lead spot to get some quick damage off while also keeping the potential to bring in your Coalossal and win the late game with both on the field.
Before ending things off I want to say that this team was what I used in Terurun 10. The team used to finish Top 8 in VR Qualifier 2 and runner-up in VR Qualifier 3 by one of my friends, featured a slightly more defensive Rillaboom and a slightly different Grimmsnarl EV Spread. However, the team played the exact same as detailed here.
I wanted to conclude by saying thank you to all of my friends in the Business Time Building group for being amazing and supportive people. Their feedback was helpful in making adjustments to the team. I also wanted to thank my friend Abhay for the Coalossal Calcualtion he managed to find it when he was testing out Coalossal himself.
Thank you to the Liberty Note staff for doing the work they do in making reports and teams accessible as to the Doubles community, I’m very thankful for them allowing me to talk about this team and publish this for all of you. I hope you enjoyed reading and hope that the team is successful for those who use it!
Rental Team ID: 0000 0006 9J51 PG
🥶 “Jones is a starter” 🇨🇦