翻訳: Taka (@taka_na_u)
みなさんこんにちは!私の名前はSantino Tarquinio (@supahsanti)です。SupahSantiや“Santi”としても知られています。アメリカのペンシルベニア州、ステートカレッジのポケモンVGCプレイヤーです。ポケモンは6~7年ほどプレイしていますが、最もよく知られている実績はPokémon Players Cup IとPlayers Cup 25th Invitationalでの優勝です。ポケモン剣盾時代のオンラインでの実績が多いですが、現在のポケモンSVも引き続き楽しんでいます。
今回は、2023 Global Challenge I(PJCS2023予選 第1回)で最終152位となったパーティを紹介します。最終戦績は34勝11敗で、レートは1784でした。この大会では海外のCP(Championship Points)の対象で、私は60CPを獲得しました。
レギュレーションCが始まってから、Fort Wayne Regionalに向けてこの構築の作成に取り掛かりました。私自身はリージョナルに参加するつもりはなかったのですが、友達のTyler Rix(@fourdollaremo)の構築作成を手伝うことになりました。もともと考えていた晴れ構築を改良したいとのことで、当初はドレディア、ハバタクカミ、イーユイ、にほんばれヤミカラスが採用されていました。私はヤミカラスをコータスに変更することを提案しました。特性ひでりにより即座に天候を晴れにでき、ドレディアとの並びが強力なためです。そこからパオジアンとカイリューの組み合わせを加えました。この組み合わせは非常に使いやすく、ハバタクカミ/イーユイによる特殊攻撃との補完にも優れており、初期環境で強力だと考えました。
型をそれぞれふんかもくたんコータス、おんみつマントドレディア、こだわりメガネハバタクカミ、こだわりスカーフイーユイ、きあいのタスキパオジアン、とつげきチョッキカイリューで採用し、“Fun in the Sun”と名付けて最初のバージョンとしました。
コータスの現在の役割に満足がいかなかったので、コータスを耐久振りのサポート型に変更することを試みました。てだすけとあくびを採用した耐久振りコータスは、晴れ下で強力なスイーパーであるハバタクカミやイダイナキバが隣にいても役立つだろうと考えました。レギュレーションBのころ、Knoxville Regional用にNick Navarre(@NailsOU)が組んだ晴れ構築を使った経験があり、その構築をベースにこだわりメガネハバタクカミとこだわりスカーフイダイナキバを使うことに決めました。
Tylerだけでなく、NPAのNew Bark Loud Puppiesチームのチームメイトともこれを共有しました。メンバーの1人であるTaran Birdee (@AuraRayquaza)は似たような晴れ構築を使っており、彼もまたサポート型のコータスを使っていました。しかし、彼のコータスはだっしゅつパックを持っていました。それを見た瞬間、私たちのコータスにとっても最適な持ち物だとすぐに気がつきました。天候を晴れにして即座に交代し、攻撃的な味方につなぐというアイデアは天才的でした。
マネージャーのJustin Knox(@45mice)もこの構築に興味を持ち、Fort Wayne regionalsで使いたいと考えたようです。私たちは全員で協力し、一般的なパーティに対してのゲームプランを練り直しました。TylarとJustinはこの構築を持ち込み、JustinはDay2に進出し最終18位となりました。すばらしい結果を収めたJustinにおめでとう、そしてTylerにも感謝します!
しかし、私の仕事はこれで終わりではありません。3回あるGlobal Challengeのうちの1回目が迫っており、他に選択肢がありませんでした。私はこの“Fun in the Sun”を使うことにしました。Justinや他の仲間たちと話して、下記の結論に達しました。
- このパーティの最大の弱点はよく選択する技の命中率でした。特にオーバーヒートについてはコータスが交代できるかどうかに直結してしまう。
- 相手にうまくモロバレルを回されたりみずテラスタルを使われたりすると大きな問題となった。コータスはモロバレルより素早く育てていたが、みずテラスタルをされるとオーバーヒートで倒すことができない。
- パオジアン+カイリューの組み合わせは圧倒的に強力だが、有利を取れるのがイダイナキバだけである。
- パオジアンのせいなるつるぎをちょうはつに変更しました。せいなるつるぎは確かに強力な技ですが、ちょうはつはモロバレルを止めることができ、キノコのほうしを防ぐだけでなく、いかりのこなとまもるも防ぐことができます。これにより、パオジアンはサイクル構築に対する脅威となることができました。せいなるつるぎを抜いたことを後悔しないか心配でしたが、ちょうはつの方がとても使用感がよく、週末を通して何度も役立ちました。
- ハバタクカミの調整を変更し、こだいかっせいでとくこうではなくすばやさが上がるようにしました。これにより、晴れ下で相手のパオジアンやスカーフイーユイ、すばやさブーストトドロクツキなどの素早いポケモンの上を取ることができるようになりました。
これらの最終調整を加え、パーティを登録しました。全体的に変更はうまく働き、Fort Wayneで使ったバージョンではこの結果は得られなかったと思います。コータスのテラスタイプをひこうからくさに変更しようと考えたこともありましたが、実行には至りませんでした。相手のドレディア、ワタッコ、アラブルタケが厳しかったので、くさテラスタルは良い選択だったのではないかと思います。くさテラスタルであればねむりごなやキノコのほうしを無効化しながらオーバーヒートで交代できます。大会中コータスにひこうテラスタルは一度も使わなかったというのもあります。
- Fort Wayne Regionals Top 32 (18位)
- 2023 Global Challenge I(PJCS2023予選 第1回)152位 レート1784

ひでり | ![]() |
だっしゅつパック | |
ひこう | |
おだやか | |
H177(252)-A×↓-B161(4)-C106(4)-D121↑(156)-S52(92) | |
オーバーヒート/てだすけ あくび/まもる |
- オーバーヒートがD4振りテツノツツミに144~171ダメージ(109~130%)
- C205ハバタクカミのこだわりメガネ+こだいかっせい補正込みのシャドーボールが150~177ダメージで15/16で耐え
- C205イーユイのこだわりメガネあくのはどうが153~180ダメージで14/16で耐え
- A233イルカマンのみずテラスタル+しんぴのしずく補正込みのウェーブタックルが晴れ下で156~184ダメージで13/16で耐え
こだいかっせい | ![]() |
こだわりメガネ | |
みず | |
おくびょう | |
H134(28)-A×↓-B92(132)-C182(212)-D156(4)-S189↑(132) | |
ムーンフォース/マジカルシャイン シャドーボール/10まんボルト |
- A172パオジアンのアイススピナーが112~133ダメージで確定耐え
- C187ハバタクカミのシャドーボールが110~132ダメージで確定耐え
- A233イルカマンのしんぴのしずく補正込みのウェーブタックルがみずテラスタル+晴れ状態で51~60ダメージ(38~44%)
こだいかっせい | ![]() |
こだわりスカーフ | |
ほのお | |
ようき | |
H190-A183(252)-B151-C×↓-D71(4)-S152↑(252) | |
ぶちかまし/じしん インファイト/いわなだれ |
わざわいのつるぎ | ![]() |
きあいのタスキ | |
ひこう | |
ようき | |
H156(4)-A172(252)-B100-C×↓-D85-S205↑(252) | |
アイススピナー/ふいうち ちょうはつ/まもる |
まけんき | ![]() |
とつげきチョッキ | |
ほのお | |
いじっぱり | |
H207(252)-A199↑(204)-B1143(20)-C×↓-D106(4)-S74(28) | |
アイアンヘッド/ドゲザン ふいうち/テラバースト |
- まけんき発動(A1段階上昇)+わざわいのつるぎ補正込みのドゲザンでH197-B100ウインディに190~225ダメージ(13/16で倒せる) ※フレアドライブの反動込みで確定
- A183イダイナキバのぶちかましが174~206ダメージで確定耐え
- C198ハバタクカミのこだわりメガネ+こだいかっせい補正込みのムーンフォースが174~206ダメージで確定耐え
- A233イルカマンのみずテラスタル+しんぴのしずく補正込みのウェーブタックルがほのおテラスタル状態&晴れ状態で176~208ダメージで15/16耐え
ようりょくそ | ![]() |
おんみつマント | |
みず | |
おくびょう | |
H181(244)-A×↓-B98(60)-C76(4)-D116(4)-S170↑(196) | |
リーフストーム/ねむりごな おいかぜ/アンコール |
- リーフストームがH131-B81テツノツツミに138~164ダメージで確定1発
- C187ハバタクカミのこだいかっせい+フェアリーテラスたる補正込みのムーンフォースが150~178ダメージで確定耐え
- A182ガブリアスのいわなだれが78~94ダメージで、高乱数2耐え
- A109ファイアローのブレイブバードが152~180ダメージで確定耐え










NPAのマネージャーのJustin Knoxには、このパーティを信じて持ち込んで素晴らしい結果を残してくれたことに感謝したいです!ぜひこのパーティを使ってみてください!ではまた次回の記事でお会いしましょう✌️
He/Him. Penn State alumni. Engineer. Competitive Pokémon VGC Player. Pokémon VG Player’s Cup I & 25th Anniversary Invitational Champion.
English Version
Hello everyone! My name is Santino Tarquinio (@supahsanti), otherwise known as SupahSanti or just “Santi”, and I am a Pokémon VGC player from State College, PA in the United States. I have been playing VGC for somewhere between six and seven years now, and my most notable achievements are winning both the Pokémon Players Cup I and the Players Cup 25th Invitational. Despite most of my success coming during the online era of Pokémon Sword and Shield, I have been thoroughly enjoying the current state of the game introduced in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Today, I will be reporting on the team that I used to place 152nd in the most recent 2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition. My final record with the team was 34-11 and I achieved a final rating of 1784. This event also awarded Championship Points for those players who were eligible, and I received 60 CP with a “Top 16” finish among eligible players for my tournament run.
Teambuilding Process
I started working on this team the week that Regulation C started, which was right before the first regional of the format in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I was not planning on attending the regional myself, however my friend Tyler Rix (@fourdollaremo) was going and asked me for help in preparing a team. This was going to be their first regional and they wanted some input on their sun team. The original team paste they sent me included Lilligant, Flutter Mane, and Chi-Yu, as well as a Murkrow that knew Sunny Day to set the sun. I suggested dropping Murkrow for Torkoal since it could set the sun immediately with its Drought ability, while also forming a strong combination with Lilligant. From there, we rounded out the team with the combination of Chien-Pao and Dragonite. This was a duo that was easy to use and complemented the strong special offense offered by Flutter Mane and Chi-Yu. I also felt it would be strong in the early stages of the format. We settled on Charcoal Eruption Torkoal, Covert Cloak Lilligant, Choice Specs Flutter Mane, Choice Scarf Chi-Yu, Focus Sash Chien-Pao, and Assault Vest Dragonite. I dubbed the team “Fun in the Sun” and we had our first version complete.
I took our team to the Showdown ladder and quickly ran into some issues. Flutter Mane and Chi-Yu were certainly strong, but they were both frail and struggled with many of the same Pokémon, primarily Ting-Lu and Palafin. Assault Vest Dragonite also felt underwhelming in practice, even with the support from Chien-Pao. The most glaring issue of all though was the Torkoal. While After You + Eruption is a strong combination, I found that Torkoal largely felt like dead weight if it wasn’t paired next to Lilligant. This was because Torkoal always wanted to move first to get off its powerful Eruptions, and without a Trick Room mode, Torkoal was almost always going last without Lilligant’s support. Even when it was next to Lilligant, the overwhelming presence of Chi-Yu, Dragonite, and especially Ting-Lu made the combination feel better on paper than in practice.
Unhappy with Torkoal’s current role on the team, I decided to try building a team that capitalized on Torkoal’s bulk and support capabilities instead of its offensive power. I theorized that a bulky Torkoal with Helping Hand and Yawn could prove to be useful when paired next to Pokémon like Flutter Mane or Great Tusk, which were two of the strongest sun sweepers in the game. I had previously played a lot with the sun team Nick Navarre (@NailsOU) built for the Knoxville regionals in Regulation B, so I decided to use that team as a base and added Choice Specs Flutter Mane and Choice Scarf Great Tusk to the team.
This version of Torkoal felt much, much easier to bring by itself and was deceptively bulky with a lot of Special Defense investment. Flutter Mane and Great Tusk were already excellent offensive threats whose damage could be boosted further with Protosynthesis and Helping Hand. Yawn was also an excellent tool for disrupting the opponent and swinging momentum back into our favor. I brought over the Assault Vest, Tera-Fire Kingambit from Nick’s team and the Chien-Pao from mine and Tyler’s version, with the Chien-Pao taking the place of Nick’s Dragonite as the Ice Spinner user. Both Pokémon improved the team’s general synergy while providing options to deal with Indeedee Trick Room teams, Ting-Lu, and common balance compositions. Chien-Pao in particular synergized amazingly with Great Tusk and Kingambit, with its ability Sword of Ruin boosting their damage output.
Finally, I knew I needed further means of Speed control. While the team felt fast as is, in practice Tailwind teams left my team in the dust. Flutter Mane and Great Tusk were very easy to overwhelm since their items prevented them from running Protect and they were frail in their Defense and Special Defense stats respectively. I needed to ensure they were going first almost all the time. Additionally, Dondozo teams were giving me problems and I needed a Pokémon that could hamper Dondozo in some way. I started looking at Chlorophyll users and settled on one that fit my needs almost perfectly: Jumpluff.
Lilligant’s overshadowed cousin could set Tailwind for the rest of the team to ensure they were moving first. Additionally, Jumpluff provided a Flying-type partner for Great Tusk to use Earthquake next to and could also spam Sleep Powder similarly to Lilligant. While it could still OHKO Iron Bundle with Leaf Storm, Jumpluff’s Special Attack is so laughably bad that it wasn’t worth investing further. This, combined with its slightly better defensive typing, let Jumpluff invest primarily in bulk and it was able to function without a Focus Sash. It could pressure Dondozo with Sleep Powder and Encore, while also resisting Wave Crash and being fully immune to Earthquake. I pitched Jumpluff to Tyler and they were sold on what it brought to the team. The final six was assembled.
In addition to Tyler, I also shared this team with my NPA teammates on the New Bark Loud Puppies. One of the team’s members, Taran Birdee (@AuraRayquaza), shared a very similar team he had worked on several weeks prior. His version also featured a support based Torkoal, however his Torkoal held an Eject Pack as the item. The minute I saw Eject Pack, I immediately knew it was the correct item choice for our Torkoal as well. The idea to set the sun and then use the Torkoal as a slow pivot into one of our more offensive teammates was genius. Our manager Justin Knox (@45mice), who was also attending the Fort Wayne regionals, expressed interest in the team and decided he also wanted to bring it to the event. We all worked together to optimize the team and refine our gameplans versus the teams we expected to be the most common. Tyler and Justin brought the team to the Regional, and Justin even went on to making Day 2 and 18th place at the event. Congratulations to him for such a strong finish, and thank you to Tyler for their help on the team as well!
My work was not done, however. The first of three Global Challenges was coming up and, having no other options, I decided to bring “Fun in the Sun” to the competition. I spoke with Justin and some of the other Puppies who were playing with the team and we came to a couple conclusions:
- The biggest weakness of the team was the inaccuracy of our most clicked moves. This is especially true regarding Overheat, whose accuracy determines whether or not Torkoal gets to switch out.
- Amoonguss was a big problem for the team if the opponent got it into a good position or they terastallized it into a Water-type. Our Torkoal was trained to be faster than Amoonguss and could launch an Overheat to knock it out before it moved, however our plan would be derailed if Amoonguss terastallized.
- The combination of Chien-Pao and Dragonite could be an overwhelming duo to deal with. Great Tusk was the only Pokémon on the team capable of both outspeeding the duo and threatening it with damage.
The first bullet point we were unfortunately going to have to accept as a flaw of the team. I simply said I was going to get lucky during the tournament and hit most of my moves, which happened for the most part. However, I was extremely concerned with Amoonguss and Chien-Pao + Dragonite. To address my concerns, I laddered further with the team and ended up making the following changes from the Fort Wayne version:
- I replaced Sacred Sword with Taunt on Chien-Pao. While Sacred Sword is a strong move, Taunt lets Chien-Pao stop Amoonguss in its tracks. It not only disabled Spore, but Rage Powder and Protect as well. This let Chien-Pao become a threatening lead into balance teams. My biggest worry going into the tournament was that I would regret dropping Sacred Sword, however I largely preferred Taunt and it came in handy multiple times throughout the weekend.
- The EV spread on Flutter Mane was altered to give it the Speed boost instead of the Special Attack boost from Protosynthesis. This meant that in the sun, Flutter Mane would be capable of outspeeding Chien-Pao as well as other, normally faster Pokémon such as Choice Scarf Chi-Yu and Booster Energy Roaring Moon.
With these final changes, I locked in the team and registered for the tournament. Overall, I would say the changes I made to the team were positive, and I do not think I would have achieved a similar result with the Fort Wayne version. Changing Torkoal’s Tera Type from Flying to Grass was also a consideration but was never followed through on. I do think Tera Grass would have been better for the tournament, as Lilligant, Jumpluff, and Brute Bonnet proved to be troublesome. Tera Grass would let Torkoal absorb Sleep Powder or Spore before switching out with Overheat. Moreover, I do not believe I terastallized my Torkoal into Flying even once during the tournament.
Team’s Notable Achievements:
- Top 32 (18th Place) Fort Wayne Regionals
- Top 180 (152nd Place, 1784 rating) 2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition

The Team
Drought | ![]() |
Eject Pack | |
Flying | |
Calm | |
H177(252)-A×↓-B161(4)-C106(4)-D121↑(156)-S52(92) | |
Overheat/Helping Hand Yawn/Protect |
Torkoal and its Drought ability are the centerpiece of the team. Its main role is to enable and support the offensive Protosynthesis-boosted Pokémon Flutter Mane and Great Tusk, enable the Chlorophyll-boosted Pokémon Jumpluff, and act as a bulky, slow pivot for more vulnerable teammates. Overheat was the sole damaging move that still packs strong power in the sun despite low special attack investment. Additionally, the Eject Pack lets Torkoal switch out to a stronger teammate should Overheat find its mark. Moves such as Snarl and abilities such as Intimidate will also activate Eject Pack, so keeping track of the various ways the opponent can activate the item to their own benefit is very important!
Helping Hand boosts the damage of Torkoal’s partners, while Yawn induces the sleep status and force switch outs from the opponent. Tera-Flying was specifically chosen to give Torkoal an immunity to Ground-type moves. This let my Great Tusk freely use Earthquake when paired next to Torkoal, and this move can be boosted further through Helping Hand. That being said, Tera Grass should be considered moving forward to improve the matchup versus users of Sleep Powder and Spore. 92 speed EVs were invested to let Torkoal outspeed 4 speed EV Amoonguss and fire off an Overheat before Amoonguss could use Spore. The rest of the EV investment was put into special bulk.
- 4 SpA Torkoal Overheat vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Iron Bundle in Sun: 144-171 (109.9 – 130.5%) — guaranteed OHKO
Defensive Damage Calculations:
- 252+ SpA Choice Specs Protosynthesis Flutter Mane Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 156+ SpD Torkoal: 150-177 (84.7 – 100%) — 6.3% chance to OHKO
- 252+ SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Chi-Yu Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 156+ SpD Torkoal: 153-180 (86.4 – 101.6%) — 12.5% chance to OHKO
- 252+ Atk Mystic Water Tera-Water Palafin-Hero Wave Crash vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Torkoal in Sun: 156-184 (88.1 – 103.9%) — 18.8% chance to OHKO
Flutter Mane
Protosynthesis | ![]() |
Choice Specs | |
Water | |
Timid | |
H134(28)-A×↓-B92(132)-C182(212)-D156(4)-S189↑(132) | |
Moonblast/Dazzling Gleam Shadow Ball/Thunderbolt |
Flutter Mane is already the best special-based offensive mon in the format, and the fact it gets even stronger in sun is the cherry on top. Ghost/Fairy is an insane offensive type-combination and its potency is taken further up a notch by Choice Specs. While the Speed boost from Protosynthesis is useful for outspeeding Chien-Pao and opposing SpAtk-boosting Flutter Mane, I’m not positive that it is the correct choice and I think you could just as easily run SpAtk-boosting.
Something that I did think was non-negotiable on this set was the Tera Type: Water. Choice Specs Flutter Mane cannot use Protect, and as such leaves itself open to many strong attacks that can knock it out, such as Heavy Slam from Ting-Lu and Bullet Punch from Scizor. Tera Water lets Flutter Mane keep up momentum by being able to stay on the field and survive attacks that would otherwise knock it. The type provides valuable resistances to Steel, Fire, and Water, while also removing the Ghost weakness. In the sun, Flutter Mane even shrugs off hits from Palafin of all Pokémon!
The defensive benchmarks I hit with Flutter Mane are shown below and were chosen first. It was then trained to outspeed Jolly Roaring Moon and Modest Flutter Mane, and the rest was invested into Special Attack. Thunderbolt was chosen as the coverage move to slam Water-types, especially Gyarados, which was rising in popularity at this time.
Defensive Damage Calculations:
- 252 Atk Sword of Ruin Chien-Pao Ice Spinner vs. 28 HP / 132 Def Flutter Mane: 112-133 (83.5 – 99.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 SpA Flutter Mane Shadow Ball vs. 28 HP / 4 SpD Flutter Mane: 110-132 (82 – 98.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252+ Atk Mystic Water Palafin-Hero Wave Crash vs. 28 HP / 132 Def Tera-Water Flutter Mane in Sun: 51-60 (38 – 44.7%) — guaranteed 3HKO
Great Tusk
Protosynthesis | ![]() |
Choice Scarf | |
Fire | |
Jolly | |
H190-A183(252)-B151-C×↓-D71(4)-S152↑(252) | |
Headlong Rush/Earthquake Close Combat/Rock Slide |
I brought Great Tusk to almost every game and for good reason; Choice Scarf Great Tusk hits hard and fast in the sun. And I do mean HARD. Headlong Rush and Close Combat smack most targets, and while both are stifled by Flying-types, that is exactly what Rock Slide is for. Rock Slide is always safe to lock into if the opponent has any Flying-types present on their team, and the chance to flinch one/both opponent’s Pokémon can be a game-defining bonus. Earthquake is the move you want to be locked into the most, and the team is built to give Great Tusk ample opportunities to click it with Jumpluff and Tera-Flying on both Torkoal and Chien-Pao.
Tera-Fire was chosen for the same reason I chose Tera-Water on Flutter Mane – being able to stay on the field and deal damage without being forced out. Tera-Fire gave important resistances to Fire, Fairy, Steel, Grass, and Ice, while also giving Great Tusk a nice burn immunity. Great Tusk was given a Jolly nature and trained to be as fast and as strong as possible. I knew I wanted to be faster than Scarf Tatsugiri in the Dondozo matchup, and I appreciated having a 50% chance to win the speed tie versus opposing Choice Scarf Great Tusk.
Sword of Ruin | ![]() |
Focus Sash | |
Flying | |
Jolly | |
H156(4)-A172(252)-B100-C×↓-D85-S205↑(252) | |
Ice Spinner/Sucker Punch Taunt/Protect |
Chien-Pao makes for a perfect partner with the other physical attackers on the team while also providing important utility. Great Tusk can fire off its strong Ground and Fighting-type attacks while Chien-Pao deals with the Flying-types. Additionally, Chien-Pao can Tera into a Flying-type itself and let Great Tusk freely use Earthquake into both of the opponent’s Pokémon with no drawbacks. Chien-Pao also pairs nicely with Kingambit into common balance teams that have Arcanine and Amoonguss. Chien-Pao can slice through Ting-Lu and disrupt Amoonguss with Taunt, while Kingambit is free to deal with Flutter Mane and punishes any attempts to bring Arcanine to the match. Ice Spinner is additionally key in the Trick Room matchup in order to get rid of Psychic Terrain.
Defiant | ![]() |
Assault Vest | |
Fire | |
Adamant | |
H207(252)-A199↑(204)-B1143(20)-C×↓-D106(4)-S74(28) | |
Iron Head/Kowtow Cleave Sucker Punch/Tera Blast |
Kingambit was the least brought Pokémon on the team, but every time it did come it put out an immense amount of work that no other Pokémon could replicate. Originally it was added to the team to better help with the Trick Room matchup in tandem with Chien-Pao. However, it quickly became apparent that Kingambit was strong into other matchups, especially balance teams with Intimidate. Tera-Fire is the ideal type for resisting Fire-type attacks, avoiding burns, and giving it a Strong Tera Blast option boosted further by the sun. This is all on top of amazing natural bulk and Assault Vest item letting it routinely survive attacks on very little HP. This Pokémon seriously does it all.
- +1 204+ Atk Sword of Ruin Kingambit Kowtow Cleave vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Arcanine: 190-225 (96.4 – 114.2%) — 81.3% chance to OHKO (guaranteed after Flare Blitz recoil)
Defensive Damage Calculations:
- 252 Atk Great Tusk Headlong Rush vs. 252 HP / 20 Def Kingambit: 174-206 (84 – 99.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 196+ SpA Choice Specs Protosynthesis Tera-Fairy Flutter Mane Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Kingambit: 174-206 (84 – 99.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252+ Atk Mystic Water Tera-Water Palafin-Hero Wave Crash vs. 252 HP / 20 Def Tera-Fire Kingambit in Sun: 176-208 (85 – 100.4%) — 6.3% chance to OHKO
Chlorophyll | ![]() |
Covert Cloak | |
Water | |
Timid | |
H181(244)-A×↓-B98(60)-C76(4)-D116(4)-S170↑(196) | |
Leaf Storm/Sleep Powder Tailwind/Encore |
Jumpluff is the glue that holds the team together. I strongly feel that it is better than Lilligant, partially due to the strength of a support based Torkoal. It cannot be understated how important Tailwind is for this team, especially when facing opposing Tailwind teams. The team’s offensive pieces work best when they are moving first, and Tailwind gets the jump on the fastest of threats such as Iron Bundle, speed-boosting Flutter Mane, and Choice Scarf Chi-Yu. Given the options Jumpluff has at its disposal, the combination of Torkoal and Jumpluff is a very strong lead pair. You can go for Tailwind or Sleep Powder turn 1, while Torkoal sets the sun and then pivots out with Overheat into a stronger threat. Sleep Powder is something you generally want to avoid relying on, however the pressure that Jumpluff gets to exert thanks to this move is irreplaceable.
Encore is an absolutely broken option in closed team sheets where opponents don’t expect it. It punishes passive play, lets Jumpluff lock down game states, and especially shines in the Dondozo matchup. Tera-Water was chosen to resist Fire and Ice moves while also removing the Rock weakness. Jumpluff has enough speed investment to outspeed Garchomp while the sun is not active, and the rest of the EVs are invested into physical bulk to give better chances at surviving Talonflame’s Brave Bird from the bulkier spreads.
- 4 SpA Jumpluff Leaf Storm vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Iron Bundle: 138-164 (105.3 – 125.1%) — guaranteed OHKO
Defensive Damage Calculations:
- 116+ SpA Protosynthesis Tera-Fairy Flutter Mane Moonblast vs. 244 HP / 4 SpD Jumpluff: 150-178 (82.8 – 98.3%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 Atk Garchomp Rock Slide vs. 244 HP / 60 Def Jumpluff: 78-94 (43 – 51.9%) — 9.8% chance to 2HKO
- 60 Atk Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 244 HP / 60 Def Jumpluff: 152-180 (83.9 – 99.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Common Leads
Tailwind lead


This lead is especially effective if you need to set Tailwind immediately and should usually be chosen when the opponent has fast threats like Iron Bundle and Choice Scarf Chi-Yu. Torkoal can pivot out while Jumpluff sets the Tailwind or goes for Sleep Powder. Always prioritize setting Tailwind first if the opponent can outpace you in some way. If Jumpluff gets knocked out, you can get both Flutter Mane and Great Tusk on the field at the same time in Tailwind and in sun. If Jumpluff survives, it can start firing off Sleep Powders the turn after. Jumpluff should always be led if Iron Bundle is present on the other team.
Offensive lead


This is a more offensive lead that lets you immediately threaten damage with either Flutter Mane or Great Tusk and Helping Hand. You should usually bring both Flutter Mane and Great Tusk, and then choose either Chien-Pao or Jumpluff depending on the match-up. This should also be the lead if Talonflame is the opponent’s Tailwind setter of choice. You almost always want to bring Jumpluff in the back versus Talonflame. Lead Torkoal and Great Tusk, and use Rock Slide to knock out the Talonflame and then Overheat pivot out to Jumpluff and set Tailwind the next turn.
vs balance teams


This is the go-to lead versus balance teams. Chien-Pao can Taunt Amoonguss if it is led. A combo attack from Ice Spinner and Kowtow Cleave/Iron Head can KO a lot of Pokémon on the opposing team. Torkoal is vital in the back to set sun versus Palafin. Flutter Mane or Great Tusk can be brought depending on the matchup; however, I usually lean towards Great Tusk for its greater physical bulk and ability to better threaten Arcanine and Ting-Lu.
vs Trick Room


This is the go-to lead versus Trick Room teams. Have Chien-Pao use Ice Spinner to clear away Psychic Terrain if Indeedee is led. Flutter Mane can get around Fake Out leads, while Great Tusk can punish an Indeedee + Armarouge lead with Earthquake or Rock Slide. Kingambit should ALWAYS be brought in the back and terastallized in this matchup if Torkoal is present on the opposing team. The goal is to spam Sucker Punch and stall out Trick Room turns as best you can. Your own Torkoal can use Yawn and threaten Pokémon like Brute Bonnet with Overheat.
vs Dondozo teams


This is what you should lead versus Dondozo teams. If Glimmora is present, you should lead Flutter Mane and try and knock it out without activating Toxic Debris. If they have the pair of Dondozo and Ting-Lu, you want to lead Jumpluff and start threatening Sleep Powder. If you force the Tera Grass from Dondozo, they now become weak to Torkoal’s Overheat. Jumpluff can lock Dondozo with Encore if they ever go for Protect or Substitute. Either Flutter Mane or Great Tusk can outspeed and OHKO the Tatsugiri if the sun is up.
And that’s the end of the report! This was a very fun team to both build and pilot and I’m happy both myself and my friends were able to achieve great success with it. I think all of us had some fun in the sun. Special shout outs to my NPA manager and friend Justin Knox for believing in the team and achieving his amazing finish at Fort Wayne, the rest of the New Bark Loud Puppies for their help in optimizing, testing, and refining the team, and of course to my friend Tyler Rix for practicing with me and just for being a great, supportive friend! I hope you give the team a try for yourself, and I’ll see you in the next team report! ✌️
He/Him. Penn State alumni. Engineer. Competitive Pokémon VGC Player. Pokémon VG Player’s Cup I & 25th Anniversary Invitational Champion.