レンタルチームID: 0000 0005 D8PF W6
こんにちは、AuraRayquaza (Taran)です。私はイギリスのプレイヤーで、今回はカイオーガを使いてるチャレ#12でTOP8という成績を残すことができました。午前3時から始まる大会はとてもハードでしたが、今回のパーティと結果にはとても満足しています。
- 壁を展開することでとても硬く、じゃくてんほけんを発動させることなく倒すことは困難
- キョダイベンタツがとても強力で、定数ダメージでカイオーガの技圏内に入れることができたり、ダイアシッドでカイオーガを強化できる
- 流行のトリトドンをナットレイよりも倒しやすく、ゴリランダーに対してもヘドロばくだんで弱点を突くことができる
- ダイマックスいのちのたまレジエレキからカイオーガを守るためのより良い回答が欲しい
- フシギバナは黒バドレックスや白バドレックスに弱く、これらに対して選出しやすい他のポケモンが欲しい
- カイオーガに素早さ上昇を乗せてしおふきを使うために、ダイジェットを使うことができるポケモンが欲しい
- ライチュウはレジエレキに対して非常に強く、ほっぺすりすりやかいでんぱなどのサポート技が豊富である
- ドラパルトは白バドレックスに対して終盤のダイマックスプランが強力であり、おにびで白バドレックスをやけどさせることでカイオーガにダイマックスを使うこともできる
- ライチュウはガオガエンと合わせて2体目のねこだまし役としてカイオーガをより自由に動かすことができ、てだすけを使うこともできるのでドラパルトを強化することもできる
いたずらごころ | |
ひかりのねんど | |
しんちょう | |
202(252)-141(4)-98(100)-*-123(132)-83(20) | |
リフレクター/ひかりのかべ ソウルクラッシュ/こわいかお |
- HB: リフレクター+いかく込みでA222ザシアンのきょじゅうざん耐え(169~201ダメージ)
ようりょくそ | |
じゃくてんほけん | |
ひかえめ | |
175(156)-104(4)-154(156)-121(4)-124(188) | |
ねむりごな/リーフストーム だいちのちから/ヘドロばくだん |
- HP: 8n-1(定数ダメージ最小)
- C: 11n
- S: +1で最速エルフーン抜き
あめふらし | |
とつげきチョッキ | |
ひかえめ | |
196(164)-*-111(4)-220(236)-161(4)-123(100) | |
しおふき/こんげんのはどう れいとうビーム/かみなり |
- C: 11n
- S: 味方のフシギバナ-1(ダイアシッドの後でカイオーガが攻撃できる)
いかく | |
ぼうじんゴーグル | |
しんちょう | |
202(252)-136(4)-113(20)-*-143(156)-90(76) | |
ねこだまし/フレアドライブ バークアウト/すてゼリフ |
- HD: C217黒バドレックスのいのちのたまダイアース耐え(164~195ダメージ)
ひらいしん | |
きあいのタスキ | |
ようき | |
167(252)-110-76(4)-*-100-178(252) | |
ねこだまし/ほっぺすりすり かいでんぱ/てだすけ |
クリアボディ | |
いのちのたま | |
ようき | |
163-172(252)-95-*-96(4)-213(252) | |
ドラゴンアロー/ゴーストダイブ そらをとぶ/おにび |
レンタルチームID: 0000 0005 D8PF W6
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0005 D8PF W6
Hello again, I’m AuraRayquaza (Taran) from the UK and I recently finished Top 8 in the Terurun Challenge #12 with Kyogre. Starting a 3am was really hard but I was very happy with the team and the result.
Team Building Process
I only decided to play the night before the tournament, I didn’t have a team and I had not played Pokemon since the Terurun Team Challenge #4, which I won using Kyogre. Therefore I chose to use Kyogre again, as I had experience with it in Series 8.
I had seen Screens Grimmsnarl + Assault Vest Kyogre do well in the Season 24 ranked battles and wanted to try it myself. Screens makes Kyogre very hard to defeat and Kyogre itself has extremely strong attacks.
Both of these teams had a Ferrothorn, but I decided to choose another Grass type in Weakness Policy Venusaur.
- With Screens it was very bulky and hard to KO without activating Weakness Policy.
- Gmax Vine Lash was very strong and the residual damage could set up Kyogre to win, while Max Ooze made Kyogres attacks stronger.
- It could beat Gastrodon, which was very popular, better than Ferrothorn could. It also hits Rillaboom with super effective Sludge Bombs.
Incineroar was a natural choice afterwards to complete the FWG core. With Intimidate, Screens and Assault Vest, Kyogre was very hard to KO.
The last two pokemon were hard to choose, I wanted the following:
- To have a better answer to dynamax LO Regieleki to protect Kyogre.
- Venusaur was not weak against Calyrex Shadow or Calyrex Ice, so I wanted another pokemon to bring against these teams.
- I wanted a pokemon that could use Max Airstream, to make Kyogre faster for Water Spout.
I saw two options: Urshifu-Dark + Landorus-T, or Raichu + Dragapult. I decided that Landorus-T was too slow as my Max Airstream choice, so I chose Dragapult + Raichu.
- Raichu is very good against Regieleki, and has good support options like Nuzzle and Eerie Impulse
- Dragapult is good as a late dynamax choice against Calyrex-Ice, and can use Will-O-Wisp to burn Calyrex and Kyogre can dynamax
- Raichu provides double Fake Out with Incineroar to give Kyogre more freedom, and can use Helping Hand to boost Dragapults damage
I was happy with this because Dragapult is my favourite gen 8 Pokemon, and Kyogre + Grimmsnarl + Incineroar was good enough against Calyrex-Shadow.
The Team
Prankster | |
Light Clay | |
Careful | |
202(252)-141(4)-98(100)-*-123(132)-83(20) | |
Reflect/Light Screen Sprit Break/Scary Face |
Screens and Spirit Break are standard choices.
I chose Scary Face instead of Thunder Wave because I wanted to slow down Pokemon like Zapdos, Regieleki and Landorus-T. I also had Raichu so I did not want to Thunder Wave with Lightning Rod. Raichu can still Nuzzle Pokemon such as Dragapult if I need to.
- HP + Defense: With Reflect + Intimidate, Grimmsnarls lives a Behemoth Blade from 252 attack Zacian
252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 252 HP / 100 Def Grimmsnarl through Reflect: 169-201 (83.6 – 99.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Chlorophyll | |
Weakness Policy | |
Modest | |
175(156)-104(4)-154(156)-121(4)-124(188) | |
Sleep Powder/Leaf Storm Earth Power/Sludge Bomb |
All of the moves are standard. I have chosen Leaf Storm instead of Frenzy Plant because I often do not dynamax Venusaur, especially when there is a Gastrodon.
Protect is a good option instead of Sleep Powder so you don’t need to Max Guard to protect yourself, but I liked Sleep Powder for the times I could use Max Airstream with Dragapult.
- HP: 8n-1 to minimise slip damage
- Special Attack: 11n
- Speed: Outspeed Whimsicott at +1 speed
Drizzle | |
Assault Vest | |
Modest | |
196(164)-*-111(4)-220(236)-161(4)-123(100) | |
Water Spout/Origin Pulse Ice Beam/Thunder |
Assault Vest Kyogre is very hard for the opponent to KO, and is my favourite legendary in Series 11. With the support of Grimmsnarl, Raichu and Incineroar it can win games by itself.
It is good when dynamaxed itself and also next to dynamax Venusaur or Dragapult. Even without Mystic Water, you can still knock out Zacians in one hit with Max Geyser, so Kyogre is the perfect balance of bulky and powerful – I brought Kyogre to every battle I played in the tournament.
- Special Attack: 11n
- Speed: One point slower than Venusaur (so I can Max Ooze + before attacking with Kyogre)
Initimidate | |
Safety Goggles | |
Careful | |
202(252)-136(4)-113(20)-*-143(156)-90(76) | |
Fake Out/Flare Blitz Snarl/Parting Shot |
I used a very similar Incineroar to my last team, with Safety Goggles to help beat Amoonguss and Venusaur. I chose Snarl instead of Taunt to hit Calyrex-Shadow and other special attackers to help Kyogre sweep.
- HP + Special Defense: Lives LO Calyrex-Shadow Max Quake
252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Max Quake vs. 252 HP / 156+ SpD Incineroar: 164-195 (81.1 – 96.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Lightning Rod | |
Focus Sash | |
Jolly | |
167(252)-110-76(4)-*-100-178(252) | |
Fake Out/Nuzzle Eerie Impulse/Helping Hand |
Raichu was better than I expected in the tournament. Two Fake Outs (with Incineroar) helped Kyogre a lot when I did not want to dynamax it, especially against Zacian. It was very good in team preview to stop the opponent from dynamaxing Regieleki.
Nuzzle and Eerie Impulse were chosen for speed control and weakening Palkia, Dialga and Kyurem-White, for example.
Helping Hand made sure that Raichu was always useful, by boosting Water Spout and Max Phantasms power; if it had a free turn. It was a very good choice.
Clear Body | |
Life Orb | |
Jolly | |
163-172(252)-95-*-96(4)-213(252) | |
Dragon Darts/Phantom Force Fly/Will-O-Wisp |
The Dragapult set is very simple. Dragon Darts, Phantom Force and Fly are its best moves. Will-o-Wisp is chosen to burn dynamax Thundurus, Zacian and sometimes Calyrex-Ice. It is also good against Urshifu-Dark that wants to Sucker Punch.
I am using Jolly instead of Adamant because a lot of Zacian are not using max Speed, so I can outspeed and use Will-o-Wisp or a Helping Hand boosted Max Phantasm.
Pokemon Selection
Basic Selection 1
Back: or+
If this selection will work then we will use this. We will aim to use Grimmsnarl to set up Screens and control the speed early on, and Incineroar to help later with Fake Out. Decide which Pokemon is best to dynamax and when to do so. This is especially good against Groudon teams when you lead with Venusaur.
Basic Selection 2
Back: or+
We will use Kyogre and Raichu to Water Spout/Origin Pulse as much as possible, and then dynamax Dragapult later on. If Raichu faints before Kyogre, we will use Max Airstream to keep attacking with Kyogre. If Kyogre faints first we will use Helping Hand to boost Dragapults power. If there is a Water type Pokemon such as Gastrodon on the opposing team, then we will bring Venusaur instead of Incineroar.
VS Calyrex-Shadow + Indeedee
Back: or+1
Good matchup – Grimmsnarl and Incineroar are able to slow down the pace of the battle with Snarl and Screens, until Kyogre can dynamax and sweep. The last Pokemon will depend on the rest of the team. If there is a Regieleki, Raichu must come. Sometimes, Screens are enough to allow Kyogre to sweep from the start, so we will lead with it.
VS Calyrex-Ice + Mimikyu
If there is Regieleki:
Back: or+
Without Regieleki:
Back: +or
Even matchup – If there is a Regieleki we will try to weaken Calyrex with Grimmsnarl and Intimidate, while dynamaxing Kyogre at the same time as Calyrex. Raichu is useful for Fake Out and to beat possible dynamax Regieleki. If there is no Regieleki then Venusaur + Kyogre will stop Trick Room by knocking out Mimikyu, we will aim to Max Ooze and sweep with Water Spout. Incineroar can Flare Blitz Calyrex and Raichu or Dragapult will help finish off the game.
This matchup is tough because Calyrex can activate its Weakness Policy and cause a lot of trouble, you must be very careful.
VS Zacian + Gastrodon
Back: +or
Tough matchup – We will try to use Incineroar, Kyogre and Raichu to beat the rest of the team and then keep Venusaur to beat Gastrodon late in the game. This matchup is hard depending on the other pokemon. If you are facing a Dragapult or a Venusaur, then it will be very difficult. Sometimes you are able to bring Grimmsnarl but it is weak to Zacian.
I think this team is strong and would like to improve it in the future. I was not expecting to do very well in the Teru Challenge because I had to wake up at 3am and I had not played VGC in a long time. However, I used Pokemon that I was comfortable with (such as Kyogre and Dragapult), so I was still able to do well. I really enjoyed all my battles – thank you to all of my opponents and to @teru_gift for hosting these tournaments regularly!
Thank you for reading my report! I am happy to once again contribute to Liberty Note (it is funny that both teams have Dragapult and Kyogre on them), and I hope you have fun with the team. Any questions can be directed to me @AuraRayquaza on Twitter.
Rental Team ID: 0000 0005 D8PF W6