レンタルチームID: 0000 0006 JBYW BC
初めまして、私の名前はNJ11 (@IsAStarter)です。私は2020シーズンの中盤にプレイし始めた、比較的新規のプレイヤーです。短い期間でのいくつかの実績は非公式大会でトップカットに進出したり、Players Cup 3の北アメリカ地域大会でTOP16に入ったりしました。
この構築記事はバドレックス(黒馬)を軸とした、シリーズ10初期環境の非公式大会のために作ったパーティに関するものとなります。私の友達のGold(Yoav. R)が仲間大会で1位を達成したり、先月開かれたBattle Frontier Challenge (@BattleFrontVGC)でTOP16を達成しました。

特性 | じんばいったい | ![]() |
持ち物 | いのちのたま | |
性格 | おくびょう | |
実数値(努力値) | 176(4)-*-100-217(252)-120-222(252) | |
技 | アストラルビット/サイコショック まもる/みがわり |
特性 | せいしんりょく | ![]() |
持ち物 | きあいのタスキ | |
性格 | ようき | |
実数値(努力値) | 140-177(252)-80-*-81(4)-172(252) | |
技 | インファイト/ワイドガード フェイント/ねこだまし |
- インファイトが200-111ガオガエンに218~258ダメージ(109~129%)の確定1発
- インファイトが202-143ガオガエンに168~198ダメージ(83.1~98%)の確定2発
特性 | かがくへんかガス | ![]() |
持ち物 | オボンのみ | |
性格 | おだやか | |
実数値(努力値) | 168(220)-*-155(116)-106(4)-121(156)-82(12) | |
技 | まもる/ヘドロばくだん ワンダースチーム/くろいきり |
- C201ゼルネアスのムーンフォースが81~96ダメージ(48.2~57.1%)で、オボンのみ込みで87.5%で2発耐え
- C222カイオーガのしんぴのしずく補正込みのしおふきが139~165ダメージ(82.7~98.2%)で確定耐え
- C217バドレックス(黒馬)のアストラルビットが118~140ダメージ(70.2~83.3%)で確定耐え
- A182ウーラオスのすいりゅうれんだが75~93ダメージ(44.6~55.3%)で確定2耐え
- A136ガオガエンのフレアドライブが60~72ダメージ(35.7~42.8%)で、オボンのみ込みで98%で3発耐え
- A200ウーラオスのあんこくきょうだが44~52ダメージ(26.1~30.9%)で、オボンのみ込みで4発耐え
特性 | せいしんりょく | ![]() |
持ち物 | とつげきチョッキ | |
性格 | ようき | |
実数値(努力値) | 192(12)-165(236)-106(4)-*-96(4)-167(252) | |
技 | せいなるほのお/ストーンエッジ しんそく/かみくだく |
- C201ゼルネアスの+2ムーンフォースが90~106ダメージ(46.8~55.2%)で、29.9%の確率で2耐え
- C217バドレックス(黒馬)のいのちのたま補正込みのアストラルビットが99~118ダメージ(51.5~61.4%)で、確定耐え
- C152レジエレキの10まんボルトが81~96ダメージ(42.1~50%)で、最高乱数以外2耐え
- A220ザシアンの+1インファイトが141~116ダメージ(73.4~86.4%)で確定耐え
- A220ザシアンの+1せいなるつるぎが106~125ダメージ(55.2~65.1%)で確定耐え
- A220ザシアンの+1きょじゅうざんが87~103ダメージ(45.3~53.6%)で、57%で2耐え
- かがくへんかガス込み:C152レジエレキの10まんボルトが54~64ダメージ(28.1~33.3%)で、最高乱数以外3耐え
- かがくへんかガス込み:C201ゼルネアスの+2ムーンフォースが68~81ダメージ(35.4~42.1%)で、確定2耐え
特性 | グラスメイカー | ![]() |
持ち物 | おはなのおこう | |
性格 | ゆうかん | |
実数値(努力値) | 204(228)-165(36)-110-*-121(244)-81 ※S個体値0 | |
技 | まもる/ねこだまし とんぼがえり/グラススライダー |
- フィールド補正込みグラススライダーがH180-B111カイオーガに186~218ダメージ(103.3~121.1%)で確定1発
- C217バドレックス(黒馬)のいのちのたま補正込みのアストラルビット(ダブルダメージ)が118~140ダメージ(57.8~68.6%)で確定耐え
- C217バドレックス(黒馬)のいのちのたま補正込みのアストラルビット(シングルダメージ)が157~187ダメージ(76.9~91.6%)で確定耐え
- C222カイオーガのしんぴのしずく+雨補正込みのしおふき(威力150)が105~123ダメージ(51.4~60.2%)で、グラスフィールド回復込みで7.4%で2耐え
- C222カイオーガ のれいとうビームが124~148ダメージ(60.7~72.5%)で確定耐え
- A220ザシアンの+1きょじゅうざんが169~201ダメージ(82.8~98.5%)で確定耐え
- A222ザシアンの+1きょじゅうざんが171~202ダメージ(83.8~99%)で確定耐え
- かがくへんかガス込み:C183ゼルネアスの+2ムーンフォースが162~192ダメージ(79.4~94.1%)で確定耐え
- かがくへんかガス込み:C201ゼルネアスの+2ムーンフォースが178~210ダメージ(87.2~102.9%)で81.3%で耐える
特性 | トランジスタ | ![]() |
持ち物 | こだわりメガネ | |
性格 | おくびょう | |
実数値(努力値) | 156(4)-*-76(44)-146(204)-71(4)-277(252) | |
技 | エレキボール/エレキネット 10まんボルト/ボルトチェンジ |
- エレキボールがH167-D122ツンデツンデに228~268ダメージ(135.7~159.5%)で確定1発
- エレキボールがH200-D154ガオガエンに144~171ダメージ(72~85.5%)で、オボンのみ込みで確定2発
- エレキボールがH207-D151バドレックス(白馬)に184~217ダメージ(88.8~104.8%)で、31.3%で1発
- 10まんボルトがH167-D136ザシアンに123~145ダメージ(73.6~86.8%)で確定2発
- 10まんボルトがH175-D121バドレックス(黒馬)に138~163ダメージ(78.8~93.1%)で確定2発
- 10まんボルトがサイコシード発動後のH177-D126イエッサン♀に96~114ダメージ(57.4~68.2%)で確定2発
- 10まんボルトがH228-D120チョッキイベルタルに186~222ダメージ(81.5~97.3%)で確定2発
- 10まんボルトがH197-D165チョッキガラルファイヤーに134~162ダメージ(68~82.2%)で確定2発










さいごに、この記事の編集や校正に協力してくれたTheKingVillager (James Evans)にまずは感謝したいです。ありがとう!
パーティの調整の相談に乗ってくれて、Battle Frontier, Rose Tower, Mt.Silverなどの大会で結果を残してくれたGold (Yoav Reuven)とLemonPiVGC (Tom Dowling)にも感謝します。彼らの選出やマッチアップデータのおかげでパーティの細部を調整することができました。また、ゴリランダーの配分の案と、環境初期のマッチアップについて考えてくれたAbhay Iyerにも感謝です。最後に、素晴らしい練習相手となってくれたBrady Smith, Joseph Ugarte, Mattie Morganにも感謝します。この6体にたどり着くまで、彼らに何度も打ち負かされました。
レンタルチームID: 0000 0006 JBYW BC
Mediocre VGC Player.
English Version
Rental Team ID: 0000 0006 JBYW BC
Hi, my name is NJ11 (@IsAStarter), I’m a relatively new player who began playing in the middle of the 2020 season. Some of my accomplishments in this short span of playing include multiple top cuts in grassroots events and a Top 16 finish in the North American Players Cup 3 regional qualifier.
This team report features Calyrex Shadow-Rider and was built for, adapted, and played across several early Series 10 ladder tournaments and grassroots events. It achieved first place in a few ladder tournaments and finished Top 16 in the Battle Frontier Challenge (@BattleFrontVGC) held last month, piloted by my friend Gold (Yoav. R).
Team Building Process
When the Series 10 rule set was announced, the first restricted Pokémon I wanted to use was Calyrex-S. Based on how it performed in Series 8, I felt that this Pokémon had benefited greatly with the ruleset change thanks to its ability to punish an opponent’s mistakes and transition into snowballing with Grim Neigh, with the opponent having no way to make up for their lack of positioning with Dynamax. Additionally, being able to safely pin slots down with Astral Barrage made it so that switch-ins regardless of their defensive investment aren’t able to withstand its constant pressure.
After deciding on Calyrex-S, I moved onto integrating Mienshao as a complimentary piece to have a reliable Fighting-type to beat Dark-types, as well as support Calyrex-S by giving it turns to set up Substitute with Fake Out and break opposing teams with a combo of Feint + Calyrex’s powerful attacks. Wide Guard also allowed for more offensive leads into the mirror match-up vs Calyrex-S, Kyogre teams, stopping Electroweb from Regieleki, and preventing free Dazzling Gleam spam.
With Calyrex-S and Mienshao forming a solid base, I wanted to incorporate something I could use as flex slot and secondary damage dealer that could match up into Xerneas and Zacian teams, so I could have more options to position Calyrex-S in late-game situations as opposed to being forced to lead it every time.
Initially, I tested Incineroar, but I realized that it was more defensive in nature and wasn’t quite suited to carry out everything I wanted from it. This is where I figured Assault Vest Entei would be better. Being able to have a Fairy-type move switch-in that could deal with both common redirection supports on Xerneas teams (Amoongus & Volcarona) as well as hit Rillaboom, Incineroar, and Zacian hard without being suspectable to Fake Out cycling was useful. Furthermore, having half of the team immune to Fake Out also collectively raised the team’s offensive capability to attack switches and punish safer plays.
Furthermore, having half of the team immune to Fake Out also collectively raised the team’s offensive capability to attack switches and punish safer plays.
With a good offensive core in place, I added Weezing-Galar to provide Neutralizing Gas, a defensive swap in for Dark-type moves, and Haze as a secondary way to handle Xerneas. Neutralizing Gas also allowed for a better overall approach against Kyogre teams, as those teams rely heavily on abilities like Drizzle, Queenly Majesty, and Prankster to operate effectively.
I also added Rillaboom to have additional Fake Out pressure and a good Grass-type that could hit both Kyogre and Groudon hard which was especially nice when Neutralizing Gas could allow for sustained terrain control against Indeedee and canceling Queenly Majesty Tsareena.
Finally, I incorporated Regieleki as my last slot since the team desperately needed something for Yveltal compositions as well as faster Pokémon that could deal heavy hits to opposing Calyrex-S/Zacian when needed. It also acted as the speed control on this team, and provided strong lead options alongside Calyrex-S, Entei, and Mienshao.

The Team
Ability | As One | ![]() |
Item | Life Orb | |
Nature | Timid | |
Stats(EVs) | 176(4)-*-100-217(252)-120-222(252) | |
Moves | Astral Barrage/Psyshock Protect/Substitute |
Simple set. 4/252/252 for most possible speed + damage output.
Life Orb is used to further boost damage output. I opted for Psyshock as a secondary STAB that could hit opposing specially defensive Pokémon like Xerneas hard. I also went with Substitute on this set to have more options on dead turns or potential Sucker Punch turns to punish them and set up a temporary barrier.
Ability | Inner Focus | ![]() |
Item | Focus Sash | |
Nature | Jolly | |
Stats(EVs) | 140-177(252)-80-*-81(4)-172(252) | |
Moves | Close Combat/Wide Guard Feint/Fake Out |
This set is straightforward as well, once again 4/252/252 is used for the maximum speed and damage output possible.
Mienshao’s primary role on the team is to provide a quick and easy Dark-type stopper as well as a fast Fake Out to pressure slower Fake Out Pokémon like Rillaboom and Incineroar. Wide Guard is used to pressure against opposing Calyrex-S teams as well as Kyogre teams that might not have powerful single-target moves to remove Mienshao and its partner. Finally, Feint is used to put additional pressure on Pokémon that might want to go for Protect anticipating Fake Out, it creates situations where you can force a momentum push very quickly and at times end the game by turn 2 or 3 if you’re able to remove an important piece of your opponent’s team.
It should be noted Mienshao can pick up knockouts on most variants of Incineroar, however, the ones that run considerable physical bulk for Urshifu Rapid-Strike can potentially live a Close Combat just barely.
Offensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 252 Atk Mienshao Close Combat vs. 236 HP / 4 Def Incineroar: 218-258 (109 – 129%) — guaranteed OHKO
- 252 Atk Mienshao Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 164+ Def Incineroar: 168-198 (83.1 – 98%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Ability | Neutralizing Gas | ![]() |
Item | Sitrus Berry | |
Nature | Calm | |
Stats(EVs) | 168(220)-*-155(116)-106(4)-121(156)-82(12) | |
Moves | Protect/Sludge Bomb Strange Steam/Haze |
This Weezing set was mainly created as an additional match-up for Dark-types, both Urshifu forms, and a safety blanket for Xerneas. In addition, playing with Neutralizing Gas is also excellent for utility, especially because it gives Calyrex-S more options to dominate offensively, specifically against Pokémon that set up priority speed control like Whimsicott and Tornadus.
Overall, having the choice to turn abilities on and off is very powerful, and while Weezing itself is a bit subpar, knowing when to use Neutralizing Gas more than compensates for its flaws.
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- +2 252 SpA Xerneas Moonblast vs. 220 HP / 156+ SpD Weezing-Galar: 81-96 (48.2 – 57.1%) — 12.5% chance to 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 252+ SpA Mystic Water Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 220 HP / 156+ SpD Weezing-Galar: 139-165 (82.7 – 98.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Rider Astral Barrage vs. 220 HP / 156+ SpD Weezing-Galar: 118-140 (70.2 – 83.3%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 252 Atk Urshifu-Rapid Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 220 HP / 116 Def Weezing-Galar on a critical hit: 75-93 (44.6 – 55.3%) — guaranteed 3HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 4 Atk Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 220 HP / 116 Def Weezing-Galar: 60-72 (35.7 – 42.8%) — 2% chance to 3HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 252+ Atk Urshifu-Single Strike Wicked Blow vs. 220 HP / 116 Def Weezing-Galar on a critical hit: 44-52 (26.1 – 30.9%) — guaranteed 5HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
Ability | Inner Focus | ![]() |
Item | Assault Vest | |
Nature | Jolly | |
Stats(EVs) | 192(12)-165(236)-106(4)-*-96(4)-167(252) | |
Moves | Sacred Fire/Stone Edge Extreme Speed/Crunch |
This set is built with offense in mind with the HP stat being adjusted for Grassy Terrain recovery. The main role I wanted Entei to fulfill was being a flexible offensive option that could also act as a blanket check against Xerneas, Zacian, and Calyrex-S. In this regard I favored it more than Incineroar due to its offensive coverage and combination of impressive Physical Attack and Speed stats was something that Incineroar couldn’t replicate.
Overall, this Pokémon ended up being a very important complementary piece, especially in games where Calyrex-S wasn’t a viable option.
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- +2 252 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 90-106 (46.8 – 55.2%) — 71.1% chance to 2HKO
- 252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Rider Astral Barrage vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 99-118 (51.5 – 61.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 SpA Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 81-96 (42.1 – 50%) — 0.4% chance to 2HKO
- +1 76+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Close Combat vs. 12 HP / 4 Def Entei: 141-166 (73.4 – 86.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- +1 76+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Sacred Sword vs. 12 HP / 4 Def Entei: 106-125 (55.2 – 65.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- +1 76+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 12 HP / 4 Def Entei: 87-103 (45.3 – 53.6%) — 43% chance to 2HKO
- With Neutralizing Gas up:
252 SpA Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 54-64 (28.1 – 33.3%) — Miniscule chance to 3HKO
+2 252 SpA Xerneas Moonblast vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 68-81 (35.4 – 42.1%) — guaranteed 3HKO
Ability | Grassy Surge | ![]() |
Item | Rose Incense | |
Nature | Brave | |
Stats(EVs) | 204(228)-165(36)-110-*-121(244)-81 *0 Spe IV | |
Moves | Protect/Fake Out U-turn/Grassy Glide |
This Rillaboom was EV trained to be very bulky on the special side while also having enough physical attack to pick up standard Kyogre with a Grassy Glide. This was an idea my friend Abhay and I came up with, as it made it so that this team had another bulky option to swap into special attacks.
Over time I adjusted this set from being Adamant to Brave nature, as this allowed Rillaboom more opportunities to maintain board control thanks to an overall slower U-Turn, letting the team’s offensive choices pivot in safely. Having the terrain control with slow Rillaboom also gives this team a better answer to Indeedee and Psychic Terrain on Trick Room teams. With 0 speed investment, this allows for Rillaboom to win more terrain battles and opens up Mienshao to cycle Fake Out alongside it while Calyrex-S can weave in Substitutes and Protects to waste resources.
Rillaboom is an important glue Pokémon that holds this team’s game plans together.
Offensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 36+ Atk Rose Incense Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. 36 HP / 4 Def Kyogre in Grassy Terrain: 186-218 (103.3 – 121.1%) — guaranteed OHKO
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- Double Target: 252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Rider Astral Barrage vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 118-140 (57.8 – 68.6%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- Single Target: 252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Rider Astral Barrage vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 157-187 (76.9 – 91.6%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- 252+ SpA Wave Incense Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom in Rain: 105-123 (51.4 – 60.2%) — 92.6% chance to 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- 252+ SpA Kyogre Ice Beam vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 124-148 (60.7 – 72.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- +1 76+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 228 HP / 0 Def Rillaboom: 169-201 (82.8 – 98.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- +1 252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 228 HP / 0 Def Rillaboom: 171-202 (83.8 – 99%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- With Neutralizing Gas: +2 252 SpA Xerneas Moonblast vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 162-192 (79.4 – 94.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- With Neutralizing Gas: : +2 252+ SpA Xerneas Moonblast vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 178-210 (87.2 – 102.9%) — 18.8% chance to OHKO
Ability | Transistor | ![]() |
Item | Choice Specs | |
Nature | Timid | |
Stats(EVs) | 156(4)-*-76(44)-146(204)-71(4)-277(252) | |
Moves | Electro Ball/Electroweb Thunderbolt/Volt Switch |
As mentioned earlier, Regieleki is this team’s main source of speed control, but it also doubles as a powerful damage dealer that can pressure Pokémon like Yveltal, Moltres, and Incineroar that pose a threat to Calyrex-S.
Moreover, Choice Specs gives this team another offensive breaker that can soften opposing teams up for Calyrex-S to close games out. I enjoyed the damage output, particularly in the Zacian match-up, as Regieleki gives both Zacian and support Pokémon like Incineroar, Suicune, and even other Regieleki a lot of trouble if it gets a free turn to click Thunderbolt. I opted for Timid Max Speed investment on this set because this team couldn’t afford to lose speed ties against opposing Regieleki.
Offensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Electro Ball (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Stakataka: 228-268 (135.7 – 159.5%) — guaranteed OHKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Electro Ball (120 BP) vs. 236 HP / 236+ SpD Incineroar: 144-171 (72 – 85.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Electro Ball (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Calyrex-Ice Rider: 184-217 (88.8 – 104.8%) — 31.3% chance to OHKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 123-145 (73.6 – 86.8%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Calyrex-Shadow Rider: 138-163 (78.8 – 93.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. +1 252 HP / 4 SpD Indeedee-M: 96-114 (57.4 – 68.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 212 HP / 12 SpD Assault Vest Yveltal: 186-222 (81.5 – 97.3%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 156 SpD Assault Vest Moltres-Galar: 134-162 (68 – 82.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 252+ Atk Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. 4 HP / 44 Def Regieleki in Grassy Terrain: 132-156 (84.6 – 100%) — 6.3% chance to OHKO
Common Game Plans
VS Calyrex-S


When I play other Calyrex-S, I like to approach it with Regieleki and Entei so I can potentially catch opposing Calyrex-S at lead. Most times I use Regieleki as Fake Out bait so that opposing Mienshao doesn’t have a free option to double target my Entei for free. Most times this lead puts on a lot of pressure immediately and having Rillaboom as a defensive switch that can also apply terrain and potentially knock out weakened Pokémon is very nice.
Overall, Rillaboom, Entei, and Regieleki are vital to playing the mirror effectively, and Rillaboom and Entei must be played efficiently as their ability to survive a hit from Calyrex-S is the key to winning. Mienshao is also a viable option, I tend to use Mienshao as an adjustment in case the prior game plan doesn’t work and additional Fake Out, Feint, and Wide Guard support is required.
VS Xerneas


Depending on the type of Xerneas team you’re playing, it’s important to look at the supporting pieces and figure out your best approach in cutting off Xerneas’s Geomancy game plan. Against standard teams, I like to pressure them early with Calyrex-S as it can punish more passive leads. I keep Weezing-G and Entei in the back so they can come in and close the games out with Haze support coupled with good offensive coverage from Entei.
Most times this is very straightforward, but Xerneas teams that have Landorus-Incarnate present a bit more of a challenge and need to be played around more carefully.
VS Zacian


Zacian teams generally have a lot of bulky options, namely Rillaboom and Incineroar. Against Zacian teams, I like to use Mienshao and Regieleki as a lead to pressure fast damage right away, particularly against variants that use Choice Scarf Urshifu-Rapid Strike. The support of Mienshao, Regieleki, and Entei allows you to cover a lot of options, and more importantly, they give Calyrex-S favorable mid-game and late-game board states where it can come in and clean up.
An alternative game plan can also be to outright lead Mienshao and Calyrex-S together, but I find this better as an adjustment in case the first approach doesn’t work.
VS Kyogre


Against standard Kyogre, Tornadus, Tsareena, and Incineroar, the four above can do well. Removing Tornadus early in games and getting a heavy hit off into Tsareena generally just allows Rillaboom, Weezing-G, and Mienshao to win. Moreover, Neutralizing Gas gives Rillaboom a lot of openings to click Fake Out or Grassy Glide that can be useful for removing Kyogre or weakened Pokémon while also potentially stalling Tailwind turns.
This matchup comes down to resource control, and if you’re able to manage your Rillaboom and Calyrex-S well, it makes the game much easier, however, losing either without getting meaningful damage off makes it extremely tough to recover from.
VS Groudon


Against standard Groudon teams, I like these four. Having the flexibility of Fake Out and Feint alongside Entei at lead gives you an excellent way to get powerful attacks off and weaken things down for Calyrex-S to finish off. Rillaboom provides additional Fake Out support that can also hit Groudon super effectively with Grassy Glide.
Against variants that use Choice Scarf Entei, Mandibuzz, or Crobat, you can adjust with Regieleki although it needs to be positioned carefully around Groudon.
VS Trick Room
Based on the type of Trick Room team you’re playing against, you can use more offensive tools like Choice Specs Regieleki’s Electroball, or more passive options with Rillaboom/Mienshao’s Fake Out support + Substitute/Protect Calyrex-S.
To conclude, I wanted to start by acknowledging TheKingVillager (James Evans) I’m super appreciative that you were able to proofread this on such short notice and help with the editing, thank you so much! I wanted to thank Gold (Yoav Reuven) and LemonPiVGC (Tom Dowling) for all of their help concerning playtesting and how both piloted the team to success across Battle Frontier, Rose Tower, and Mt.Silver. They were instrumental in providing valuable battle/match-up data to make small adjustments to the team. I also wanted to credit Abhay Iyer for helping with the Rillaboom testing as well as practicing matchups early in this teams building process. Finally, I wanted to thank Brady Smith, Joseph Ugarte, and Mattie Morgan for being excellent practice opponents. They handed me multiple losses before I finally figured out the correct six for this team.
A huge shout out to the Liberty Note staff for doing the work they do in making reports and teams accessible as to the Doubles Community. I’m very grateful for them allowing me to talk about this team and publish this for all of you. I hope you enjoyed reading and hope that the team is successful for those who use it!
Rental Team ID: 0000 0006 JBYW BC
Mediocre VGC Player.
Rental Team ID: 0000 0006 JBYW BC
Hi, my name is NJ11 (@IsAStarter), I’m a relatively new player who began playing in the middle of the 2020 season. Some of my accomplishments in this short span of playing include multiple top cuts in grassroots events and a Top 16 finish in the North American Players Cup 3 regional qualifier.
This team report features Calyrex Shadow-Rider and was built for, adapted, and played across several early Series 10 ladder tournaments and grassroots events. It achieved first place in a few ladder tournaments and finished Top 16 in the Battle Frontier Challenge (@BattleFrontVGC) held last month, piloted by my friend Gold (Yoav. R).
Team Building Process
When the Series 10 rule set was announced, the first restricted Pokémon I wanted to use was Calyrex-S. Based on how it performed in Series 8, I felt that this Pokémon had benefited greatly with the ruleset change thanks to its ability to punish an opponent’s mistakes and transition into snowballing with Grim Neigh, with the opponent having no way to make up for their lack of positioning with Dynamax. Additionally, being able to safely pin slots down with Astral Barrage made it so that switch-ins regardless of their defensive investment aren’t able to withstand its constant pressure.
After deciding on Calyrex-S, I moved onto integrating Mienshao as a complimentary piece to have a reliable Fighting-type to beat Dark-types, as well as support Calyrex-S by giving it turns to set up Substitute with Fake Out and break opposing teams with a combo of Feint + Calyrex’s powerful attacks. Wide Guard also allowed for more offensive leads into the mirror match-up vs Calyrex-S, Kyogre teams, stopping Electroweb from Regieleki, and preventing free Dazzling Gleam spam.
With Calyrex-S and Mienshao forming a solid base, I wanted to incorporate something I could use as flex slot and secondary damage dealer that could match up into Xerneas and Zacian teams, so I could have more options to position Calyrex-S in late-game situations as opposed to being forced to lead it every time. Initially, I tested Incineroar, but I realized that it was more defensive in nature and wasn’t quite suited to carry out everything I wanted from it. This is where I figured Assault Vest Entei would be better. Being able to have a Fairy-type move switch-in that could deal with both common redirection supports on Xerneas teams (Amoongus & Volcarona) as well as hit Rillaboom, Incineroar, and Zacian hard without being suspectable to Fake Out cycling was useful.
Furthermore, having half of the team immune to Fake Out also collectively raised the team’s offensive capability to attack switches and punish safer plays. With a good offensive core in place, I added Weezing-Galar to provide Neutralizing Gas, a defensive swap in for Dark-type moves, and Haze as a secondary way to handle Xerneas. Neutralizing Gas also allowed for a better overall approach against Kyogre teams, as those teams rely heavily on abilities like Drizzle, Queenly Majesty, and Prankster to operate effectively.
I also added Rillaboom to have additional Fake Out pressure and a good Grass-type that could hit both Kyogre and Groudon hard which was especially nice when Neutralizing Gas could allow for sustained terrain control against Indeedee and canceling Queenly Majesty Tsareena.
Finally, I incorporated Regieleki as my last slot since the team desperately needed something for Yveltal compositions as well as faster Pokémon that could deal heavy hits to opposing Calyrex-S/Zacian when needed. It also acted as the speed control on this team, and provided strong lead options alongside Calyrex-S, Entei, and Mienshao.

The Team
Ability | As One | ![]() |
Item | Life Orb | |
Nature | Timid | |
Stats(EVs) | 176(4)-*-100-217(252)-120-222(252) | |
Moves | Astral Barrage/Psyshock Protect/Substitute |
Simple set. 4/252/252 for most possible speed + damage output.
Life Orb is used to further boost damage output. I opted for Psyshock as a secondary STAB that could hit opposing specially defensive Pokémon like Xerneas hard. I also went with Substitute on this set to have more options on dead turns or potential Sucker Punch turns to punish them and set up a temporary barrier.
Ability | Inner Focus | ![]() |
Item | Focus Sash | |
Nature | Jolly | |
Stats(EVs) | 140-177(252)-80-*-81(4)-172(252) | |
Moves | Close Combat/Wide Guard Feint/Fake Out |
This set is straightforward as well, once again 4/252/252 is used for the maximum speed and damage output possible.
Mienshao’s primary role on the team is to provide a quick and easy Dark-type stopper as well as a fast Fake Out to pressure slower Fake Out Pokémon like Rillaboom and Incineroar. Wide Guard is used to pressure against opposing Calyrex-S teams as well as Kyogre teams that might not have powerful single-target moves to remove Mienshao and its partner. Finally, Feint is used to put additional pressure on Pokémon that might want to go for Protect anticipating Fake Out, it creates situations where you can force a momentum push very quickly and at times end the game by turn 2 or 3 if you’re able to remove an important piece of your opponent’s team.
It should be noted Mienshao can pick up knockouts on most variants of Incineroar, however, the ones that run considerable physical bulk for Urshifu Rapid-Strike can potentially live a Close Combat just barely.
Offensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 252 Atk Mienshao Close Combat vs. 236 HP / 4 Def Incineroar: 218-258 (109 – 129%) — guaranteed OHKO
- 252 Atk Mienshao Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 164+ Def Incineroar: 168-198 (83.1 – 98%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Ability | Neutralizing Gas | ![]() |
Item | Sitrus Berry | |
Nature | Calm | |
Stats(EVs) | 168(220)-*-155(116)-106(4)-121(156)-82(12) | |
Moves | Protect/Sludge Bomb Strange Steam/Haze |
This Weezing set was mainly created as an additional match-up for Dark-types, both Urshifu forms, and a safety blanket for Xerneas. In addition, playing with Neutralizing Gas is also excellent for utility, especially because it gives Calyrex-S more options to dominate offensively, specifically against Pokémon that set up priority speed control like Whimsicott and Tornadus.
Overall, having the choice to turn abilities on and off is very powerful, and while Weezing itself is a bit subpar, knowing when to use Neutralizing Gas more than compensates for its flaws.
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- +2 252 SpA Xerneas Moonblast vs. 220 HP / 156+ SpD Weezing-Galar: 81-96 (48.2 – 57.1%) — 12.5% chance to 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 252+ SpA Mystic Water Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 220 HP / 156+ SpD Weezing-Galar: 139-165 (82.7 – 98.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Rider Astral Barrage vs. 220 HP / 156+ SpD Weezing-Galar: 118-140 (70.2 – 83.3%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 252 Atk Urshifu-Rapid Strike Surging Strikes (3 hits) vs. 220 HP / 116 Def Weezing-Galar on a critical hit: 75-93 (44.6 – 55.3%) — guaranteed 3HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 4 Atk Incineroar Flare Blitz vs. 220 HP / 116 Def Weezing-Galar: 60-72 (35.7 – 42.8%) — 2% chance to 3HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 252+ Atk Urshifu-Single Strike Wicked Blow vs. 220 HP / 116 Def Weezing-Galar on a critical hit: 44-52 (26.1 – 30.9%) — guaranteed 5HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
Ability | Inner Focus | ![]() |
Item | Assault Vest | |
Nature | Jolly | |
Stats(EVs) | 192(12)-165(236)-106(4)-*-96(4)-167(252) | |
Moves | Sacred Fire/Stone Edge Extreme Speed/Crunch |
This set is built with offense in mind with the HP stat being adjusted for Grassy Terrain recovery. The main role I wanted Entei to fulfill was being a flexible offensive option that could also act as a blanket check against Xerneas, Zacian, and Calyrex-S. In this regard I favored it more than Incineroar due to its offensive coverage and combination of impressive Physical Attack and Speed stats was something that Incineroar couldn’t replicate.
Overall, this Pokémon ended up being a very important complementary piece, especially in games where Calyrex-S wasn’t a viable option.
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- +2 252 SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 90-106 (46.8 – 55.2%) — 71.1% chance to 2HKO
- 252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Rider Astral Barrage vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 99-118 (51.5 – 61.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 252 SpA Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 81-96 (42.1 – 50%) — 0.4% chance to 2HKO
- +1 76+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Close Combat vs. 12 HP / 4 Def Entei: 141-166 (73.4 – 86.4%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- +1 76+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Sacred Sword vs. 12 HP / 4 Def Entei: 106-125 (55.2 – 65.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- +1 76+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 12 HP / 4 Def Entei: 87-103 (45.3 – 53.6%) — 43% chance to 2HKO
- With Neutralizing Gas up:
252 SpA Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 54-64 (28.1 – 33.3%) — Miniscule chance to 3HKO
+2 252 SpA Xerneas Moonblast vs. 12 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Entei: 68-81 (35.4 – 42.1%) — guaranteed 3HKO
Ability | Grassy Surge | ![]() |
Item | Rose Incense | |
Nature | Brave | |
Stats(EVs) | 204(228)-165(36)-110-*-121(244)-81 *0 Spe IV | |
Moves | Protect/Fake Out U-turn/Grassy Glide |
This Rillaboom was EV trained to be very bulky on the special side while also having enough physical attack to pick up standard Kyogre with a Grassy Glide. This was an idea my friend Abhay and I came up with, as it made it so that this team had another bulky option to swap into special attacks.
Over time I adjusted this set from being Adamant to Brave nature, as this allowed Rillaboom more opportunities to maintain board control thanks to an overall slower U-Turn, letting the team’s offensive choices pivot in safely. Having the terrain control with slow Rillaboom also gives this team a better answer to Indeedee and Psychic Terrain on Trick Room teams. With 0 speed investment, this allows for Rillaboom to win more terrain battles and opens up Mienshao to cycle Fake Out alongside it while Calyrex-S can weave in Substitutes and Protects to waste resources.
Rillaboom is an important glue Pokémon that holds this team’s game plans together.
Offensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 36+ Atk Rose Incense Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. 36 HP / 4 Def Kyogre in Grassy Terrain: 186-218 (103.3 – 121.1%) — guaranteed OHKO
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- Double Target: 252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Rider Astral Barrage vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 118-140 (57.8 – 68.6%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- Single Target: 252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Rider Astral Barrage vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 157-187 (76.9 – 91.6%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- 252+ SpA Wave Incense Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom in Rain: 105-123 (51.4 – 60.2%) — 92.6% chance to 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- 252+ SpA Kyogre Ice Beam vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 124-148 (60.7 – 72.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- +1 76+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 228 HP / 0 Def Rillaboom: 169-201 (82.8 – 98.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- +1 252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 228 HP / 0 Def Rillaboom: 171-202 (83.8 – 99%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
- With Neutralizing Gas: +2 252 SpA Xerneas Moonblast vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 162-192 (79.4 – 94.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- With Neutralizing Gas: : +2 252+ SpA Xerneas Moonblast vs. 228 HP / 244 SpD Rillaboom: 178-210 (87.2 – 102.9%) — 18.8% chance to OHKO
Ability | Transistor | ![]() |
Item | Choice Specs | |
Nature | Timid | |
Stats(EVs) | 156(4)-*-76(44)-146(204)-71(4)-277(252) | |
Moves | Electro Ball/Electroweb Thunderbolt/Volt Switch |
As mentioned earlier, Regieleki is this team’s main source of speed control, but it also doubles as a powerful damage dealer that can pressure Pokémon like Yveltal, Moltres, and Incineroar that pose a threat to Calyrex-S.
Moreover, Choice Specs gives this team another offensive breaker that can soften opposing teams up for Calyrex-S to close games out. I enjoyed the damage output, particularly in the Zacian match-up, as Regieleki gives both Zacian and support Pokémon like Incineroar, Suicune, and even other Regieleki a lot of trouble if it gets a free turn to click Thunderbolt. I opted for Timid Max Speed investment on this set because this team couldn’t afford to lose speed ties against opposing Regieleki.
Offensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Electro Ball (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Stakataka: 228-268 (135.7 – 159.5%) — guaranteed OHKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Electro Ball (120 BP) vs. 236 HP / 236+ SpD Incineroar: 144-171 (72 – 85.5%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Sitrus Berry recovery
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Electro Ball (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Calyrex-Ice Rider: 184-217 (88.8 – 104.8%) — 31.3% chance to OHKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Zacian-Crowned: 123-145 (73.6 – 86.8%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Calyrex-Shadow Rider: 138-163 (78.8 – 93.1%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. +1 252 HP / 4 SpD Indeedee-M: 96-114 (57.4 – 68.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 212 HP / 12 SpD Assault Vest Yveltal: 186-222 (81.5 – 97.3%) — guaranteed 2HKO
- 204 SpA Choice Specs Transistor Regieleki Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 156 SpD Assault Vest Moltres-Galar: 134-162 (68 – 82.2%) — guaranteed 2HKO
Defensive Damage Calculation Reference:
- 252+ Atk Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. 4 HP / 44 Def Regieleki in Grassy Terrain: 132-156 (84.6 – 100%) — 6.3% chance to OHKO
Common Game Plans
VS Calyrex-S


When I play other Calyrex-S, I like to approach it with Regieleki and Entei so I can potentially catch opposing Calyrex-S at lead. Most times I use Regieleki as Fake Out bait so that opposing Mienshao doesn’t have a free option to double target my Entei for free. Most times this lead puts on a lot of pressure immediately and having Rillaboom as a defensive switch that can also apply terrain and potentially knock out weakened Pokémon is very nice.
Overall, Rillaboom, Entei, and Regieleki are vital to playing the mirror effectively, and Rillaboom and Entei must be played efficiently as their ability to survive a hit from Calyrex-S is the key to winning. Mienshao is also a viable option, I tend to use Mienshao as an adjustment in case the prior game plan doesn’t work and additional Fake Out, Feint, and Wide Guard support is required.
VS Xerneas


Depending on the type of Xerneas team you’re playing, it’s important to look at the supporting pieces and figure out your best approach in cutting off Xerneas’s Geomancy game plan. Against standard teams, I like to pressure them early with Calyrex-S as it can punish more passive leads. I keep Weezing-G and Entei in the back so they can come in and close the games out with Haze support coupled with good offensive coverage from Entei.
Most times this is very straightforward, but Xerneas teams that have Landorus-Incarnate present a bit more of a challenge and need to be played around more carefully.
VS Zacian


Zacian teams generally have a lot of bulky options, namely Rillaboom and Incineroar. Against Zacian teams, I like to use Mienshao and Regieleki as a lead to pressure fast damage right away, particularly against variants that use Choice Scarf Urshifu-Rapid Strike. The support of Mienshao, Regieleki, and Entei allows you to cover a lot of options, and more importantly, they give Calyrex-S favorable mid-game and late-game board states where it can come in and clean up.
An alternative game plan can also be to outright lead Mienshao and Calyrex-S together, but I find this better as an adjustment in case the first approach doesn’t work.
VS Kyogre


Against standard Kyogre, Tornadus, Tsareena, and Incineroar, the four above can do well. Removing Tornadus early in games and getting a heavy hit off into Tsareena generally just allows Rillaboom, Weezing-G, and Mienshao to win. Moreover, Neutralizing Gas gives Rillaboom a lot of openings to click Fake Out or Grassy Glide that can be useful for removing Kyogre or weakened Pokémon while also potentially stalling Tailwind turns.
This matchup comes down to resource control, and if you’re able to manage your Rillaboom and Calyrex-S well, it makes the game much easier, however, losing either without getting meaningful damage off makes it extremely tough to recover from.
VS Groudon


Against standard Groudon teams, I like these four. Having the flexibility of Fake Out and Feint alongside Entei at lead gives you an excellent way to get powerful attacks off and weaken things down for Calyrex-S to finish off. Rillaboom provides additional Fake Out support that can also hit Groudon super effectively with Grassy Glide.
Against variants that use Choice Scarf Entei, Mandibuzz, or Crobat, you can adjust with Regieleki although it needs to be positioned carefully around Groudon.
VS Trick Room
Based on the type of Trick Room team you’re playing against, you can use more offensive tools like Choice Specs Regieleki’s Electroball, or more passive options with Rillaboom/Mienshao’s Fake Out support + Substitute/Protect Calyrex-S.
To conclude, I wanted to start by acknowledging TheKingVillager (James Evans) I’m super appreciative that you were able to proofread this on such short notice and help with the editing, thank you so much! I wanted to thank Gold (Yoav Reuven) and LemonPiVGC (Tom Dowling) for all of their help concerning playtesting and how both piloted the team to success across Battle Frontier, Rose Tower, and Mt.Silver. They were instrumental in providing valuable battle/match-up data to make small adjustments to the team. I also wanted to credit Abhay Iyer for helping with the Rillaboom testing as well as practicing matchups early in this teams building process. Finally, I wanted to thank Brady Smith, Joseph Ugarte, and Mattie Morgan for being excellent practice opponents. They handed me multiple losses before I finally figured out the correct six for this team.
A huge shout out to the Liberty Note staff for doing the work they do in making reports and teams accessible as to the Doubles Community. I’m very grateful for them allowing me to talk about this team and publish this for all of you. I hope you enjoyed reading and hope that the team is successful for those who use it!
Rental Team ID: 0000 0006 JBYW BC
Mediocre VGC Player.